Well I know two people already hit by this....hopefully it gets sorted out soon. xD I was paranoid enough that i restored my computer back a ways and then changed all my info that i could too on both of my accounts and urged my friends to do the same.
So in other words you bid on one land and one land only and you have to make sure it's high enough that no other faction will outbid you and if you do get out bid thats it? You can't do any till next week?
Not only hasn't it not been around 4 years but the sins haven't even been around for at least a year so that really meants 2 years of work (if that) gone xD not 4
Friend of mine got banned for the same thing 3 weeks ago. Him, his friends, and myself have been sending in a ton of tickets in to get them to unban him. It's complete and utter **** because he only plays from home and thats all he's ever played from. It seems to be going around this stupid open proxy ban ****
Yea just on in FF anymore simply because it'll only be able 400-500k for the big room and thats not enough together to cover a charm and still make a profit. It's completely pointless now in there. People will have to go back to the old way of making money. I being one of them old people remember them days >.> It's still…
Yea there aren't going to be any plvlers hardly anymore because there is really no point. If people would have just left the glitch alone rather then be greedy about it and use it for their own benifit...this wouldn't have ever happened....So thanks alot to all them people who glitched that goons and screwed it up for…
Not sure if it will be worth it or not. I mean i'm a all skiller as much as possible and I tend to stay in a ten level range for a very long time till everything is up to date. Not to mention being on a PvP server. It's almost to your favor if you can get the top gear and have it fully sharded, socketed, and refined for…