SweetieBot, build me a house of cards
My cat walks on the keyboard too sometimes. He's never started a thread though. Downloads lots of 'mature videos' (it's the cat I swear), but never started a thread. Your cat is more smarter than mine.
b:surrender I know where they are going. They are going to ME!!!! b:cry PLEASE!! EVERYONE!! Stop using this stupid thing!!! I have 6628738 new emails b:shocked
I ALWAYS read this person's posts because the tiny dark red font is SUPER easy to see.
Ok, so. I didn't think super deep on this and I've had a few beers BUT what if: Factions were ranked based on their total member's "strength"? Sort of how factions are tiered already but it would be based on how "powerful" they are based on current members. As a faction gets stronger/weaker their rank will go up/down.…
SweetieBot, make me a ham sandwich and go light on the mayo please.
I got this one.... What????
You just replied to a thread that's nearly a month old. AND called someone out for trolling the forums in doing so. I think YOU are funnier o/ Sweetiebot, give Killmin 10 points for being funnier.
Read the original post :) He DOES have something in the "damn" sockets.
In this thread, CC stands for Crowd Control- skills that apply a movement debuff or prevents target from using skills.
I know you can only get the item that allows you to collect the "reward pack" at the end 6 times per week, but that item is not needed to DO the run and the influence is not part of the "reward pack" that you talk to NPC at end for.
I am not sure that these max daily amounts are correct. AEU (Advanced Endless Universe) was not mentioned. Each completed AEU run earns +10 Influence and their is no limit on the number of times you can do this instance per day.
b:surrenderFor the love of Pete, it's called a period. I am sure every written language has them. Or at least something to show then end of one sentence, and the begining of the next. I only say this because one huge run on sentence that is 8 lines long hinders comprehension. Not that it is impossible, but some may not…
Wow. *scratches his head* That's not a lot of information to work with. I don't know, man. Did you try jiggling the power cord?
You have said you READ Kossy's post but this post screams that you either didn't or you put NO effort in to comprehending what was said. NEVER did Kossy say IT WAS ONLY YOU. Ever.
Sweetiebot please forge item 34829 Sweetiebot please forge item 34829 Sweetiebot please forge item 34829
Sweetiebot please make item 34829 Sweetiebot please make item 34829 Sweetiebot please make item 34829
Are you talking about the Elemental Essential you get from turning in Morai Crazy Stone quest? The mention of XP from 100k-10m makes me think you are. If so, that is a consumable item. Right-click on it and it will disappear giving you a random amount of XP. The 3 amounts I have seen are 100k, 1m and 10m.
The worst of lies, are the ones we tell to ourselves. b:laugh
Is there any chance that the ones that did not get the mail were less than truthful? As in: Hey, we didn't see you at [Event] :( Oh, we had [Event]? I didn't know qq Yeah, didn you get the Faction Mail about it?? No :( <--- the lie
If hay still sells well, the 40s is the best time to farm it, IMO. Antelopes around Heaven's Tear are very doable and at that level have decent hay drop rate. There are other mobs in other areas as well, you can use the in game encyclopedia to find mobs in your range.
If you gave a birthday/Xmas/anniversary/etc gift to someone 5 years in a row and every year that person complained about it, how much effort would YOU put in to the 6th gift? Me, I would have stopped giving that ungrateful person anything after year two. I am amazed they give us anything.
Well then, it's a good thing that it is in fact NOT a guide nor meant to be one. The OP was merely using it as a visual aid to prove a point.
Hey there :) as a fellow BM I would like to share my thought with the OP. I do not know what your plan is for your gear (staying r8 or planning to go r9 or PvE vs PvP) but I think you should keep the r8 Pole Blade, if that is what you made (even if not what you wanted). My reason is this. As a Master of Blades (IMO) you…
Yup. In fact, that's exactly it.
Did the error message say WHO to contact? I would be surprised if they meant Contact Forums. Also, was the error message from the cards website, like how Ultimate Game Card takes you to their site to use card? If the message came from the cards site, I would say contact the number on the back of the game card as no one…
I'm curious. Where did you get your "quote" from? Every announcement I see on their facebook page states 'weekend'. Link plz?
If I had to guess I would say that you used a proxy or something that the system saw as being a proxy. That is the only thing that I know of that will get an account auto-banned.
Sweetiebot, please give OPKossy 10 points for trying :)