Hello RT I've finally decided to come out. Here's my picture Do not judge me! It's not everyday a 78 year old healthy male like me get to talk to sexy chicks. b:dirty Oh I almost forgot. The thicker the hair, the better the night.
i'm so confused. maybe i should play more and spy on more factions. i'm so out of the loop.
Sup beaches, enjoy my gift?
Welcome to the club.
Where the **** have you been for the past, oh, 2 years? Everyone's so srs.
B1. at least you'll go down as a hero. b:thanks
Happy birthday! 18 in one month ._.
You just summed up my life playing Umbra. +1 b:dirty
It's tactics, and playing dirty. It's also very fun. b:cute
Legend, of course. That stupid Mexican-Canadian Sin. b:angry
TW does take up most of my life.
Sit down and lean slightly forward so that blood drains out rather than into your throat (which can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, which you clearly don't want!). Don't lie down or lean too far forward; keeping your head above your heart will minimize bleeding. Pinch the soft part of your nose just below the bridge…
Oh my god, memories. I miss SNL b:cry
- That's my only reply.
It has nothing to do with you.(?)
Heh, grats. I'm considering moving to LC. I hate RT with a passion and I wanna start over. b:surrender Thanks for the motivation, lol
they took it down too fast b:cry
I didn't see your app. b:surrender
You're welcome my dear. b:shy You have included 5 images in your message. You are limited to using 4 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again. Images include use of smilies, the BB code I had to delete your smilies. Sorry Hope.
b:kiss Shoosha be nice. Some food for thought. If guns kill people, then pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons made Oprah fat. Hold the person accountable for their actions, not just the means they chose to utilize. Expand your mind and you'll see what I mean.
Russiee quit and got permabanned. b:shutup
Fate! Answer your cell phone, damnit. b:angry
didn't you quit? b:avoid (Didn't you quit, Umbra?)
not completely inaccurate. b:chuckle
I think NightRage should do TW reports from now on.
Everyone on RT is too fake to post pictures. It's like Hollywood here. b:surrender
Get out NightRage. b:dirty
I've seen ambi's picture b:dirty (He says he's ugly though, don't listen to anything he says.)
Again, back2Afrikaplx.