That wasn't racism.
As my respect for you two is diminishing every post what is your take on the pony thing?
How the mighty have fallen b:chuckle
damn that sucks, I dont know you too well but if you ever come back I will gladly help you out.
how about..... ultimate hp build???b:laugh
- this better?
I didnt buy it all i made the pants and the daggers from scratch, no crafstman skill so i bought the ornies and someone sold me 3sock +3 ashuras bracers for 17m and i forget how much the boots were pro 5 aps waay more expensive than the cookiecutter build but alot better imo
any idea when these are coming out?
durrrrr aps=gudb:dirty
if you have that much and that much only then full interval gear is not a reality the daggers cost around 200m to make, r8 is 72 gold during sale (too lazy to do the math) ill call it 90m for r8. TT99 HA ornaments are 30m for neck 45m for belt (those are what i got mine for) ashuras boots and bracers 20m for bracers 30m…