Tzone - Harshlands Arc User


  • lol i feel like a tool i quoted myself LAWLZb:shutup
  • By this part i meen if you get bored pking a lvl 50 or 60 here and there is allowed I dont think at that point you would be considered killing lowbies...b:surrender But anyway just wanted to clear that up for al the people who was gonna say oh you just go around pking 3x -.-
  • Just saying though...Im in Resistance and I get kinda bored sometimes... So if you do join Resistance just know that pking is allowed on anyone AND EVERYONEb:surrender All in good fun though... Join Resistance PM Tzone, chiichan, Korinth, or anyone else with a Rank i guess...We…
  • Oh yea and incase i wasnt clear enough with that post.. IM SAYING STOP ***** FOOTING get to the good stuff Get to the Fight b:thanks
  • Don't you guys think about 250+ posts on this topic is enough? I meen really how much more can you cover on this topic...? OMG KD and KY fighting no more Kylindom.... Thats cool and all but dam guys? Give your fingers, eyes, and whats left your lives a rest already this topic is much more fun to see than to hear/ read…
  • Dammit i can not get on vent and Korinth i hope chii gave you my secret "stuff" ..... So you can start doing what she wont do now....-.- New Best moment logging on to ventrillo to find that it wont let me in.. Ahhhh good timesb:angry
  • The 3rd week i was in Destiny when i finally decided to get on vent where i met the most ignorant person i met in my life and the sweetest person i Rarely ever heard 2 Names are Korinth and Chiichan you decide who i was talking about for ignorant and for sweet Luv'm both though b:victory BB soon b:sadb:bye -Tzone
  • Wish i could help but sadly i can not Just trying to keep the subject on topic before GMs lock this for being off topic or move it for some other reason..........b:byeb:victory
  • Korinth ask Chiichan for my "stuff" if you know what i meen. I can not get on vent but i want to level and you are lvling outta control you effin nubb:angry So when chiichan gives you my "stuff" you should know what i want you to do. SINCE SHE IS NOT DOING IT!!!!b:sadAnd i kinda really need it to keep up with you 2
  • Chiican idk if i already said this yet but..... <3<3<3chiichan<3<3<3 b:dirtyb:dirtyb:dirty Fisrt thing when i get back is imma pk you.... With love of course <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 -Tzoneb:bye
  • ILU CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIb:dirtyb:dirtyb:dirty -Tzoneb:bye
  • Lolz.... Just so many Lolz, I cant even explain it...b:chuckle
  • my phone cant play pwi[/QUOTE] Id be pretty dam impressed if it could O_O But on a more serious note use this time to think about the merge situation lol i'll be waiting to hear who you decide to go with...If anyone at allb:surrender
  • Save me a spot in EoD lol Chiiiiiiiiiichannnnnnb:dirtyb:dirtyb:chuckle Thanks for the speedy replies :D
  • Dangit HTb:surrender stop lvlingb:angry 101 after 1.5 weeks of being 100 isn't too much of an incentive for a lowbie like me to keep trying lol....
  • Grades.... Nuff said I would guess and thnks guys for the responses... If anyone sees chiichan tell her I said Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiib:dirty Oh and if she leaves/left Destiny I am too b:surrender.... -Tzone
  • Dark i can see where this is going...I'm really gonna have fun with this constant posting back and forthb:chuckle Anyways I'm only expressing that I'm tired of hearing people talk about stopping Kylindom but yet no one is actually acting upon it they just keep posting. So i simply expressed my boredom of this topic.…
  • Endless, my post was directed to you. So i hope you will take it into consideration after reading and pondering over it for a little. This isn't about TW anymore its about proving that TW is not a box that can be locked up and have the key thrown away. As long as there are still people playing guilds like Kylindom should…
  • Dang, yet another Kylindom thread huh?b:sad And yet you get ppl posting out of their minds.... Looks like i just became another mindless poster in the never ending Saga known as the Kylindom Chronicles Q.Q
  • Im soooo effing mad i was not there.... Gawd im missing everything in just 2 weeks WDF did someone just decide to push FF on the server or something?b:angry When i get off of groundedness there better still be mad **** popping off like every effing day.b:surrender -Tzoneb:bye
  • I miss Perfect World... Give me the Destiny site i lost it b:sad -Tzone Oh yea and Swiftfire i voted for you a week or so ago. FYI, "YOOOOR PEERRTIEEE" b:chuckle
  • GO GO! EoD and Destiny.. Just going for a change of pace instead of hearing the normal Kylindom going bla bla blab:shutup The next few weeks should be interesting from what I've heardb:bye
  • Hmm..... Anyone notice the trend here? Everytime a Kylin mentions something about their guild they dont say Ky...They say Ky and KD...Now unless things have changed in the past 2 weeks aren't you 2 still seperate guilds or have you2 merged 2 form one big pve guild? Im just saying your alliance can only last so long. Till…
  • Top 100 from Destiny and Top 100 from EoD merge = Dark Fate's good TW fight...b:laugh Hopefully it happens.. Ill have to see when i get off of GROUNDEDNESS. Destiny still around or have we been dispanded b:angry By this i meen is our core broken....
  • Endless you do realize how awefully greedy this is right b:sad. You basically have become a pivoting factor in the success of this server's TW and you say you wanna be off alone. Dude if you wanna make friends then a merge with someone would be the most beneficial thing to do. And im not gonna say WHO to merge with either,…
  • God i love this game.... Threads like this keep me interested in this game. LOLb:laugh
  • I been gone for 2 weeks so I missed whether or not Destiny has fallen. But with that said in the early part of this thread i read that there are some ppl out there that feel the same way i do. That there are stull some people who genuinly are looking to make a structured TW faction. Im not gonna try to recruit people to…