Tsyaen - Archosaur Arc User


  • "Tsyren" Sounds like Siren, but pronounced with a small "t" at the beginning (got it from a sound in my race's language, China ftw) Sirens are mythical creatures that typically act in a way to draw people in, then kill them. (Which is my pk style - "afk" catshop mode until someone tries to kill me, lol) Also, kind of based…
  • This server's pk is pretty much dead. I would know... I'm probably one of the most active pkers that (tries) to pk these days. I've played since the start of the server, and I'm rather disappointed in Archo compared to its older, better days. All you get these days is blahblahblah getting ganked until BOOM some R9 comes…
  • Okay, so I tried with uTorrent (again). It downloads as an .rar file with a notepad icon, and won't let me open with notepad (too large). It is called PWI_v621_Installer.rar Any suggestions?
  • Ugh, tried today, it had 30k hp left when I died <.< I'm pretty sure that if I had used my genie amps in the beginning, I woulda been fine. Thanks all.
  • 4aps sparked. Refine is +5 (crappy, I know, working on it ._.) I guess I'll try using ToP till CD is off. My friend told me that there was a particular animation for bubble that I should watch for? Or are the animations all the same? Also, is there any sort of timing to his bubbles?
  • It's the update, it's not intentional. What I have noticed is, when SP is in "normal" state, there's like no one there... and then it goes into "pk mode" and suddenly there are gazillions of people in SZ complaining, raging, etc etc. I just leave the people who need quests alone, lol.
  • Lol, was there, but was too laggy to do anything. Q_Q so I just sat and watched.