hmm ok thanks then b:victory
nice, i got it back ,just needed to find the npc that gave me the quest i trashed
ok ty all for the help b:victory
So , in order to switch to Demon i just need to reach Celestial Sage ?
As u can see, and as expected no1 realy cares about us... its sad .... b:tired
/\ exactly! but i guess we will have to wa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)it for it... b:shutup
i belive the original idea was to add a time slot , not change the time slots... however , if they changed 1 time slot it will be something like"50/50" 1 for u 1 for us, isnt that acceptable?
of corse there wont be 100% sactisfactory time slots for every1, but by changing 1 time slot they are giving more options for people to attend Nation Wars. u probably dont need to get up at 4am so u can be in every event there is, im an european player, and like me there are others that nation wars happen not in the most…
ok then i dont play pwi for moths so im not very in on whats happening in the game rigth now, so im sorry for that . tyvm for that b:thanks
actually i send a ticked this week asking somethings about NW's time and if they would do something cuz of the non American players (Europe in my case) and this was what they told me: "I can tell you, however, that we are looking into new times for Nation Wars for a more European-friendly War schedule. I apologize for the…
ok b:thanks
what about the aniv gifts?
it happened on my squad too we wanted to reset but the npc didnt had the quest it was kind of a mess b:surrender
ty :) ah , thats probably that then....
ive read something about how get a warsong belt by a cheaper way , but cant find it now.... yeah , im realy late in my OHT culti i cant even get in forest yet xD btw there any1 know a guide for it?
yeah , maybe i buy it.... working on OHT culti.... but i dont realy know when do we get that belt...
yeah, i hate TT gear too stupid bunds -.-' plus, i dont have a char in this acc with craft skill so i will have to get tailor skill or w8 till i farm everthing i need to craft a full piece b:lipcurl
keep the Rank8 Chest and Legs? Craft Nirvana Boots and Arms?
same here lol but no excuse -.-'' b:laugh
i agree! :D
so, i havent read all the pages till here but heres my question: im from Portugal (that little contry by spain xD) and i used to buy Zen trough PaySafe Card method, i buy a 10 euros paysafe and then buy zen, and 10 dollars were like 7.something, so there is a 2.something difference in the price.. whats the point of this…
The End of Rep sales?? > TOTALY LIE!! during the rep sale is when pwi gets more money from gold charges, so they will never end it. the next one sould be just in begining of the next moth or even starting this last week... b:laugh about the recast , sorry cant help i've read a bit about it but didnt realy mind... b:chuckle
nice one xD
face palm -.-'' *hides* i close this thread. xD
awesome! b:laugh
ok, i think i got it all :) ty all
Oh, btw with this gear will i be able to solo FF?
humm, i think i got it... :D the only thing that is making me some confusion, is that i alredy have the most of the mats for the tt99 phy belt & Neck, but i will try to sell some mats needed for the neck and try to buy the ones for the plate, and farming the rest... souldnt be much hard...
well, it wasnt too difference from what i have in mind... But whats the difference beteew the Lionhearth Greeves and the cascade glow ones? Easy understood priorities... Edit: I forgot to say i have a Pirates King Seal and a Sirenith Necklace + 2, if that change anything xD
Oh rigth, and that would set free some slots i would use to saphire shars... and with would be the best neck to use?