Tropical - Harshlands Arc User


  • Yea just put a reward for someone (ask for screenshot on forum to be sure he is dead) and pay up when its done. On the PVP server will reduce (slightly) random pkers. Then again if I wanna pk that wont make my life easier so... lets think about it for a longer time ok?b:bye
  • My complain is that girls wont accept embrace!b:sadb:cryb:surrender. Just kidding.b:laugh The game is very nice overall.
  • U just had bad luck with the team, mate. Choose ppl that arent bragging dumba$$es to do your FB with. Look at world chat, good teams are usually high lvls. If somebody offers help only for FB19-FB29 then its a new team filled with lowbies. Lowbies usually have huge e-peens. Avoid them. Teams offering help for FB19-FB59 and…