b:dirty wait wait didnt they say the gonna punish the ones who abused the fc glitch? b:dirty if they reseting the lvl104-105 chars all back to lvl30 and give them perma exhaustion time and hypers only get their exp back to normal amount of exp gain, me won't mind waiting whole day, cause i would haz to b:laugh so badlyz me…
b:shocked maybe they make rank recast items available in cs and can't find a price for them, so they still discussing about which overpriced price to set so server still down b:cry b:cry or they taking away sale like rank sale and can't decide which packs to set on sale for rank itmes b:cry
^+1b:cry whyusomeanztouspweqq
b:cry will they keep servers down till login server restart is over to avoid more drama of players who can't log in while others are logged?! b:cry
there is a quite easy soloution for that, go and make a sage sin with lvl11 bp just to buff u and u shouldnt have any problems anymore with the zerks btw. i got rank9 daggers too and i havent seen any +10 +11 sin with g13 nv daggers that could take aggro from me in pve even when my daggers were +0 and hadnt got shards in…
b:surrender i haz other question: how can a sin kill someone without leaveing stealth? i wantz to know, so plz tell meh! b:cry
why would u like to get 4 nv armor parts? the enormous cost of nv armor is ridicoulus! and 10 att lvl arent worth that much ... u can stick to the cheap rank8 aromor parts too with haveing almost the same benefit and still have lots of coins left which u could use to refine your stuff higher, maybe +10 your weapon and a…
b:shutup nuu tellz to other!!!!! b:surrender bad 4 buzynezz b:angry me blamez u when price go backz up!!! b:angry
LOL ... how long u guess this is going to take people to be able to get some? 1year i guess wont be enough to get at least the ring and 1 more rank9 item .... + the big tw factions will never ever sell their medals! -> u wont get one if u arent in one of those factions! next thing is ... first they were in boutique while…