The pdef difference is not enought to make a difference vs the extra damage. Sin would win pvp vs bm. 1. Focus Mind makes a 5.0 bm 3.75. (25% of all hits do 1 damage) 2. They get an extra life 1hit more to live then BM 3. They will heal every hit. ( if they have the 100 skill its even more insane) 4. If a bm uses p def…
well there is the option which i took
If there is another archer out there like me.. which i dont think there is but hell you never know. I like having max damage for my bow so i never restated for Claws. Currently i have 104 str. Now it took me a while to get them but OHT claws reifine nicely and if you can get them with -30% req. you can keep all your dex. I…
why would we wait for plumeshell to go off when we can just use magic
Eq did attack, it was on friday
yep and i saw grox for the first time in a while as well
I did this. Thus this sin. I still think fully buffed archers can be better.
archers are fine. They are the only class that can use both pysical and magic damage with very high spike damage for both. They also have one of the longest ranges in the game for attack. Not to mention they are the most efficient TW killer. because of their range they can easly switch targets and do not have to run up to…
lol sure HH it will just be us crabs kill with the bloodlust :P True id be the first one there with a BOA but i think you would be there not so far after Tempesting them :P
Sin will win if smart every time. 1. sin will stun lock AD is your only saving grace 2. Bell only works if you are casting it, sin can wait in stealth till it wears off. 3. stupid for a bm to bell anyway. easy to combo a 17k BR when a bm has psy bell up. 4. sin has a 100 skill that turns damage it takes into HP along with…
"Why did you kill me?"
All your land are belong to us.
Had to restat the genie a little only 90 dex now. But 16k crts on Barbs for BR
you read my mind.. genie has 134 dex .. im going to move to BR and test it out.
Thunderstorm can be higher if used on a Sin. I am assuming the others can as well but havent tested. If you all havent tried on a sin this is a fun combo to do to BM when they put their physical marrow up. Chill of the Deep >Wolf Emblem Demon > Sleep > Power Dash > Thunderstorm I have had it deal well over 20k before on…
Just dont pull aggro unless you can tank. As you get higher in lvl, useing the sin to tank isnt a bad idea. typically it usually between me and the BM for who gets to tank.
<-- 101 attack lvl .. its fun
how to kill a barb. Shoot him with a lunar bow till he debuffs Shadow tele and stun kill away.
What if you kill my main (somehow) and i come back on my alt and kill you? New form of Kang?
tripple spark in stealth was fun.. but doesnt really make a difference. Right after the first hit you are going to be expeled anyway. If they dont do that.. they are just a crappy pker. so playin a sin is more about what do you do after that point to win which you are unstealthed for. The only thing is does prevent.. which…
yeah but all my statements are still true...
i help everyone in my faction every day. It means soo much to me to help them out. Thats why it has continued to thrive.
I have the best faction on server. Fash Cop 100% active members Members always avaliable to group FC, TT, and soon TW Great Fashion Sense
archer can combo to hit at 150- 200k at 1.33 speed. in pve in tw.. archer can tab.. hit attack kill in 1-2 shots .. tab again kill again and so on where as assassin has to run to the target. in the time it take a sin to kill 2 targets an archer can kill 5-6. if you factor in BOA at 10-20 people on aoe sin cant even come…
My Hero = Quizenbort
I give free trips to arch from OT. Its a valued service
oh ops this is pvp.. just stunning arrow, aim low then quick shot. kill all but high hp barbs
not to give away my trade secret but..... if you want dps here it is. IN THIS ORDER!! Demon Only Blazing Arrow> Sharpentooth > Tripple Spark > xposin > tangling mire > frenzy when i tank i also have the BM HF right as i spark. This should get you on bosses about 80,000 - 170,000 per hit at 1.33 speed.
dont duel them.. just pk them
FFS... BRING IT TO DREAMWEAVER AND SELL IT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a rare skill.. 6 dam months and i still havent seen it.. are you kidding????? I NEEDS IT SOO BAD!!!!!! WTB DEMON BOA!!!