You seriously brought some awesome memories of StarCraft. Oh snap i still have to go play SC 2 i havent played it in over month. *runs*
Unless ur rich and have lots of hp charms, hp food, its gonna be hard soloing TT 1-2. It's always best to go in with a squad to get rid of it fast. Or take a cleric with you. It'll be slow, very very slow but you'll get it done. Now if u were 99 in lvl and had all ur TT99 gear, some interval equips and some nice…
I rubberbanded during the arch event this past friday =O it couldnt have had worse timing. I landed a good distance from the boss and next thing u know i was laying down face first in the dirt dead. I got rezzed and rubberbanded a 2nd time and died again from the boss. Just ask Dan he was there.
Usually in the new areas u can find many people running around killing the same mobs as you. Juts ask them if u 2 can party and help each other out. Questing should be easy unless your allocation of stat points is wrong. Remember the more hp you have they longer you live, dont forget to spam pots as well till u can buy…