As someone who found his love on PW, I feel you. I don't know if you 2 actually met on the game, but PW gives my fiance and I "something to do" together. As much as I hate this game sometimes, I know I couldn't quit it because I really wouldn't have much to do with my Meggie-bear hehe. But yeah...I commend the both of you…
My friend has a Level 60ish Psychic and let me tell you, I love the damage he does. That said, I've watched him try to solo and it's freakin' hilarious. You will never see a Psychic soloing TT, FB59+ or some of the tougher bosses. It's not going to happen. People have this clouded ideal that Psychics are like the ultimate…
*just read the 200mill part* Dude, I've only been playing for 3 weeks and I've seen like 3-4 go for 100mill. If you seriously think it's worth 200mill, maybe you're playing the wrong game. I know it's the most sought after item in-game at the moment, but yeah....
What's the current bid at? I'll throw 105mill on the table if you still have it. Keep me informed of the highest bid?
We just upgraded to Level 3. We have plenty of room for everyone now :D
I keep getting a lot of PMs on the forum, so let me clarify a couple things. You do NOT have to apply for our faction. We accept anyone that wants a casual guild feel and a friendly, tight-knit community of players. We at Endure want nothing my comradery and good times. We LOVE helping low levels with quests and boss…
We've gotten a few members to join via this post, but we need more of you! I'm on pretty much all night/morning, so feel free to message me.
Son, I didn't get in. But don't let that stop you if you get accepted. If, however, you don't, I'd love to start one with you ^_^. Also, no hard feelings, Placid.
Update: Level 26 now ^_^ Oh! And I got my Hellfire Drake. How cool is that thing? srsly?
Hey Cassy, I'm not L, G, B or T (lol) but I just wanted to say how proud I am of you for having the balls (pardon the expression) to do this. This is why I prefer PWI over any of the pay-to-play MMOs. Social acceptance on both a personal and spiritual level is a beautiful thing, and this game has both, aside from the…
Zeph, you still got that genie?
I'm currently looking to cheat a few levels tonight just so I can get my D20 tomorrow. If anyone has any sacred fruits, I'll give 400k each for them. Like I said, though. I'm mainly looking for Level 20-30 gear atm so I can focus on grinding, rather than crafting or spending time at the AH. I'm capping myself on…
"You last visited: 12-31-1969 at 04:00 PM" I haven't been on these forums in 40 years? Dayum! Anyways, yeah.... I'm the same way. The texting is alright for when I'm grinding or doing an easy quest by myself, but I also prefer a voice-to-voice experience. b:laugh I've been leeching in on my friend's WoW X-Fire for the past…
I really hope that reply wasn't directed at me. I have enough in-game money to suffice until Level 60 or so, but I didn't "HAXX" anything. I bought enough Zen to supply a crackhead for a year. lol.
Hey, I don't know if you guys are still recruiting new players or not, but I'd definately be honored to join a main faction on Dreamweaver. I just started playing again, and I do get tired of not having anyone to communicate with in-game. Here are my details, and I hope that I'm accepted. If not, oh well! Atleast I tried,…
Hey, if you still have the genie, /whisper me in-game. I'd be willing to go to 11million. Thanks.