Tirion - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Ok, it took 4 hrs but the updates are done, and I am seeing something of interest... how is another guild called BloodFire? it seems to be spelled the same. I sill am leader of the original BloodFire, and is still exists, why would they have tried to use the same name? Or if they liked being under Bloodfire and liked being…
  • I have to say, I am surprised to see any interest in the guild, after my updates are caught up I'm going to log in and see what's up. I dunno if any mine faction mates read this besides Sheeb's, but unfortunate circumstance took me away at the end of summer, much to much drama for me to go into here, but I may return…
  • Board Zero crashed and lost all the data. BloodFire's forum is lost.
  • Hello all. It has been a few weeks now since the exodus of our members, mislead by our previous leader, to other pastures. I wish them well, and would welcome any to return, should they choose to. A few weeks ago, Nico decided to close BloodFire. SaphireHeart, Myself, and a sprinkling of other hangers on decided to try an…