Jlung FTW b:cute
Emo i miss u b:cry
u sure its me? b:bye
my vote goes to Dark_Fate aswell b:victory
u r calling me a noob now RB? b:cry what happened to our love?b:angry
i dunno why u people say GG merged to KD. was GG only me, HistoryX and HidingShadow? MALIGNO, Shaukan, Speedyy, erica_EP and others werent on GG?
i attack too b:cute
thats the reason im asking, i have bad english, everyone knows that
Who is Taarlor? Can someone translate what he talks about? b:question
nao eh espanhol eh portugues b:cute
i thought u liked that way b:cry
no, if u are grinding in Kylin and some dude go there and start stealing ur drops cant u kill him? GG grind on Kylin, they drop Aquadash +5 with 2 g9s, sky demon pearl, +8 HA chest and wrist, and much more b:thanks
GG to me also, was fun b:bye
if u are at West Gate u have big change of getting aoed, plus if u are stealing the things that KOS factions drops to us KD, u will die.
it means MagicStrong, but w/e and ty all XD BTW Tomorrow is my "last day" of pwi, going back to home country, and i will work, maybe i come a few hours during the weekend, anyway was nice to know u all.
zhen on 3rd map also b:bye
PvP serveR? wich one u talking about? The one that GMs make instances gives MUCH more xp then grinding, so people wont pvp? The one that GMs make 2x double drops and 2x xp to people can FC and HH 48h during the weekends? The one that 99% are afraid of pvp, i can list the name of people that actually pvp on this server. go…
i had to add an archer from Kylin, or they would say i suck since Dark is the only one from Kylin that pvp i added him i forgot about u, Nova_ and CaLixTa
imo, Kylin made the pushes wrong, after cristal had 10%, they should have some BM to rambo into crystal and hit it to stop regen, and do not push with one cata, i saw catas coming alone, and that wasnt one time. Simple tatics, regroup the 4 catas all people and go, how do u expect to pass defense with one cata?
Dark_Fail im tired of one shoting or 2 shoting u at west gate, serious, dont embarass urself anymore, gratz u can kill me when i forget mp pots on bank, but expect that i rolled u 32103213'12 times, GG. And when that happened we both werent 95.
LOL, after yes, but first fight no
+45 magic and +5 h99 dont compare to +10 rank6 with 2 g12, give me some time to farm HH and i will +7 and add a g11 and i will do ur 1x1
btw Taboo meationed me when i was in GG
MD im not QQing about anything, i had time cast one spell, then u and Dark_Fate ganked me (didnt see Dark_Fail there), stop talking like u solo killed me while typing, i have a +5 weapon with no shards u have a rank6 +10 with 2 g12. but i do remeber cleary u, XuLin, Ascii, Dark_Fate and random noob archer from KY getting…
HistoryX, Taboo and Endless_life if we are talking about pvp skills
BeingHope i suggest u to read the post from Michael again, u sure didnt understand it.
ShowTime b:cute
- i fail
showing my new sign b:cute
i wonder if anyone did