Tigrjanka - Archosaur Arc User


  • Tanata, she is beautiful! Everything fits together so good..!b:dirty
  • Lol...You are absolutelly wrong. I were telling my opinion of life, coz its the best way to discribe why i made such of face with big hips and huge breast:D And what i was telling, is that its quite steriotipical to think, that with nice and cute face cant be curvy body. There was nothing to do with ur or someone else…
  • I think, dear, you gave me too much attention. I even didint see ur char and still too lazy to do it now:) Yeah probably my english is too poor for tell corectly what i was meaning. I dont hating anyone. And even it would be so, i think you shouldnt have problem with that. Thats my opinion and everyone has right to have it…
  • Hi, thanks for review. Mostly of girls trying look like from fashion TV channel and i really disslike hollywood look girls in real life, hating them looks identical. And i love curvy with sweet face women, as i am myself. Most important be different and have personality, i tryed show it in my character. So i dissagree,…