I wanna cry. You were like sunshine to these forums. I always smile when I read your posts. ;_; godspeed bro. EVERYTHING IS FALLING APART. /wrists DAMN U PWI.
Can it be more touhou doujin songs? :3
Demon_EA, if I was ever on HL, it would be very painful to even look at him. FABULOUS post there.
Oh this is just epic. I'm gonna be having so much fun with this.
I... love you so much. Seriously, I don't understand it myself. When I do go into pk mode, and I die from a gank or w/e, my friends would get so highly upset. Or even, a whole big drama starts because of it. But here I be, smiling and laughing cuz it's so exciting. I don't care if I die (I'm not a pro at pvping, but we all…
LAWL So let me this one time during a TT 1-x run I did with my buds: a barb, bm, cleric, and a sin. The barb for some reaosn didn't have the HP to really tank Lord of Percussion, so the sin made some calculations and had it so the cleric would BB from the beginning, and I had to help heal at HP and also buffing barb with…
POSTAN IN A EPIC FAIL THREAD. Great way to start my day.
Yes I do. When I wanna be lazy. Doesn't take me long if I don't forget to restore the window every now and then to move on to the next point. Yes, it gives me an excuse to plow through my backlogs of anime series from previous seasons (;_; don't think I'll catch up though).
Oh yay, a manga thread. My delights be: -The World God Only Knows -Hayate no Gotoku -Dance in the Vampire Bund -Kuro****suji <Black Butler> (and yes I watch the anime too. and yes the second season, and yes, it's beyond FABULOUS the more episodes are released) -Code Geass: Nightmare of Nunally
I thought it was strange but logged in anyways. I'm on it now and not having any lag problems or whatever.
Filter circumvention is a bannable offence - Ary
Now everyone nowadays is having massive orgies with their hypers in FC.
I got into my first ever faction by a random invite. Then again, I was only lvl4 and I was like, meh, why not? Stayed there until around lvl80 and left. I'm grateful for it though, because I really made alot of friends, most I knew when I was low lvled, and we grew together. Now we've gone our separate ways, but we're…
From sins: "Ima steal aggro <insert some dumbass smiley>" when we're doing a boss. Godjesus, I really don't understand why they gotta have so much pride in dying themselves/causing squad wipes.
MissCleo Am i doing it right?
Not 69. Though I'm curious about Pyro... Empowered Vigor
Facedesk x 9001
yeaaaah... no. Sage psychic ftw. I won't have to slit my wrists when I get a sage Soul of Vengeance.
Haha I voted for wizzy. Their high and mighty attitude is just as bad as sins. And I'm SICK and TIRED of being compared to them and making me feel like I should regret playing a ****ty worthless class.
Yes, and it was heaven... until he deserted me for a private server. ;_;
Soulburn (seeing a bunch of skulls crash on a big boss is EPIC! it looks so awesome) Earth Vector (lol it actually frightens some players when they see it for the first time) Glacial Shards (just love how it looks, almost reminds me of Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon in Fate/stay night)
I really do look forward to your videos. :D They always cheer me up. And yeah, I always stare a bit longer at his sig before I continue scrolling. I have a thing for glasses. ♥♥
my face when i read some of the comments.
Sometimes when I'm really REALLY bored, I'd marathon. But mostly I fit like, 2-4 episodes in a day. Most of my time used to be devoted to watching and reading, but ever since I starting playing PWI, I don't watch much. :< I have tons of backlogged series.
Oh my goodness... I watch too many. You can see my animelist here. I depend on MAL to keep track of what I watch. :P Anyways, mine would be Code Geass, Eden of the East, Bakemonogatari, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Hetalia, .**** (<3 can't wait for Link), Durarara!! and Working!! BTW is anyone watching the new anime that's…
What is this I don't even...
You know when a customer in a store is upset and a worker stands there and smile and act all cute? That's annoying. Two sins have insulted me and they friggin spam ^.^ :D :3 :P at the ending of their sentences, thinking it's soooo adorable. No.
ok wow... thanks. And I wasn't offending you. I'm still new at this and I was really told by someone who played the game for a long time. I'm sorry. I was just interested in what you said and wanted to learn more. That's all. And that orz means how much of a fail I am. the o = head r = torso and arms z = legs It looks like…
+9001 internets for you. That made me laugh so hard.