@Rancors: Yes. These don't exactly happen every hour, but there is a chance. Like said above, the Duke basically rolls a dice to see if there will be one. The location determines what type of mobs, what level the mobs will be, and the items they will drop. Say City of Misfortune is chosen to be attacked, you will have…
Yuh. We're totally like.. one big sexy family.
Archer with a pole-axe. Definitely.
-Is liking the comments about the guild name.- :D
The Sunkist speaks the truths. Nostalgia and everyone in it is just.. straight up cool. >:O In game name: Thorjin. Level: 50. Class: Archer. Previous Factions: Covenant. Why you want to join us: -Copy + pasted Falon's answer.- Name: Thomas. Age: 17 Sex: Male. Location: KY Previous gaming experience: Every free MMORPG to…