actualy is is bugged i dont;l have a full bag and i have to relog Every time i get the next quest for it to up date
yah relogging fixed it wierd
yes and i tryed to talking to the merchant with no luck
I always wanted to get ahead in the world
i want a purgatory lion lord )
I told you no Head Games!
Probly next valentines day
just rememebr it costs you gold coins well more like silver to sell your gold. so if you have 10 gold the max you could sell is 9 because of the gold trading fees. No clue hat i am going to do with that odd 6 silver i have in my acount
Yes they stop your pets from being hungry you can make or buy tomes from other players. or get a christmas blessing from the 80 suplly box.
unfortunatly until we can get a heaven and a hell bm with the same equip and weapons to parse there damamge over time, it all conjecture. So basicly Heaven = Slower harder hits over time with more survivability Hell= Faster slightly Less dammage damage hits with 1% greater crit chance. Over all it probly workes out about…
I chose a pve server cause i realy don't liek to pvp
well as a fist bm im wondering if the active haste increase for demon will compensate for the additional 30% fists damage you would get as sage for fist mastery. note i am only Conserned with Pve not pvp for sage Shadowless kick reduced to 10 seconds would let me interupt more than every other cast a fight. Cyclobe heel…
sp i am guessings that frenzy wil not stack with spark either ow well guess il just tick with the level 1 heal now until more info comes out. So far the Bmn only skils seem to only be of use in pvp which i don't do.
i just downed loaded the manual patch was alot quicker
Man these drive up feeding troughs are Sweet!
the main power as a fist bm is i am Never low on spark's (unles i just started for the day) i usualy can double spark soon as it comes up and still have a spark left for sutra. baswicy on boss mosb once i know the Barb has a decent agro lead i start spaming adv spark eruption every 15 seconds or so when it comes up. Can't…
The main advantage i have found as fist is it usualy takes me max 5 to 10 seconds to get a spark. Basicly i always have sparks avalable for Sutra and spark eruptions. As for skills my normal skill rotation is Kick to stop initial casting Heal then 1 or 2 spark erupt if they high def or hps mobs. Then lions roar around 40%…