Thehaxshot - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Our damage is weak. we hit the weakest of all classes because 1. our damage is half upon close distance 2. we have to purge to deal the damage arcanes/zerk classes can do just trough full buffs 3. and yes we can attack multiple times , but how many times do we miss in those times we attack?, well ALOT. 4. Accuracy is…
  • eh lol we hit casters nowaddays for 1-3k crits? while they can just put out 8k normal hits.. purifyspell triggers 24/7 , zerk 24/7 and purge no it takes alongtime to proceed purge. if you actully play an archer for a longer time then just 1 x with demon QS proceedd , then you see how long it takes to proceed purge , and…
  • we lacked on attack power since always. we have to purge to kill our target , and purge is goin of every 2000 attacks. besides that we can miss on arcanes? with our bs 90% stunning arrow/aimlow And even if we have purge , our targets just rebuff with the new spirit of defence buff that pwi brought into the game , ****…
  • Arches lack on attack power and defense , so we atleast sshould be able to stealth. mostly in the server its always ganking so , and theres no point us having stealth while we cant move or anything , because we either have to use teleport scrolls to teleport away , and having to use a psychic alt to summon us back to the…
  • yea but , i mean un-binding charms for actually unbind gear if they dont come with somthing that makes pangu able to being upgraded
  • Archers got screwed over , we can actually miss on arcane classes , while arcanes can just hit us for 100% chance every hit. Instead of giving us this new crappy skills they shoulda increased our stun/freeze chance (stunning arrow & aimlow ) to 100%. its BS how much both the stuns misses just cuz of the 10% And then as…
  • Hes Right. Archers got screwed over. toomany CDs for skills , and we use all sparks for all of our skills. Frost Splash needs to be a 30 sec cd skill and no spark cost for Demon : increased damage for Sage : turning the phys damage into water damage
  • Frost Splash needs to be a 30 Second cooldown skill , costing no sparks at least 450 % damage per shot and Demon : increased damage Sage : Water damage instead of physical damage