It exists... how do I become a PWE employee?!
Don't have an account there and too lazy to make one right now xD
LMAO. Pointless QQ thread is pointless.
No competition? Damn thats a nice opportunity for a merchant to swoop in and take that market, though temporarily.
lol I joined back in 2010. Anyways, can someone tell me what those books are worth please and thanks?
it'd be funny if his gears actually magically turned ****ty. troller gets trolled.
I got 2 giant bunnies from the heroic chests. I lol'd.
+1 for making a thread that's uplifting and positive by its own right. Guess I gotta say thank you pwi for creating an economic system that can allow non csers to play the game without too much trouble and making merchanting possible.
Ok i see. But what is the price for rider bundles? Im nowhere close to my pc atm. And yea im happy about the vendor shop discount, i almost bought one for reg price earlier...
The european servers are loranthis or something cuz I'm not understanding how they could get it before the servers shut down for maintenance? Rider packs not in bundles???
After doing research, it's very safe to say this KONY propaganda is almost PHONY. It feeds off of bandwagon hoppers emotions and makes them cry for the blood of a warlock who left uganda 6 years ago. It fails to properly inform the audience of historical context and the current realities in northern uganda. To me, just a…
what exactly do you sell in those catshops? maybe that's also a factor contributing to your problem.
If that is the case, then this explanation definitely makes more sense...and I think it also have something to do with the number of merchants in RT as opposed to, say, LC? Perhaps the presence of merchants in there is kind of minimal in comparison to LC? and I'm assuming RT has a smaller player base due to its relative…
Wow that seems to be such a farcry from LC, gold is still at 1.340mil albeit very weakly, it will drop back to 1.332ish very soon from now... what's causing the gold to be that ridiculously cheap in RT? lower playerbase? certain time of the day?
Guys, although it seems like the OP's boyfriend gave the house key away but still, should be more sympathetic towards their plight as he was misled and decieved by such a sinister scheme. I really hope your boyfriend gets everything back, otherwise all that hard work would be in vain, tragic :(
Even so, what if that catshop is much cheaper than the rest? You would still save a substantial amount, especially buying bookclips. Although i see your position, i dont see what you woud lose in the scenario stated above.
It's a common merchant trick, legal but disingenious. Also, can i get an update on gold prices in servers aside from lost city? It was 1.332mil at about 11pm eastern time. Im expecting gold to drop to maybe 1.310mil ish by morning.
Did anyone notice a dramatic fall in gold prices between 9 to 11:30pm eastern time last night? Maybe this was isolated in Lost City? It was sudden, a drop from 1.4mil to 1.28mil by around 11pm. What about other servers?
Yea I havent gotten my yet, hopefully soon. But I just can't wait to be troll'd by a massive gaming company!!!
I like how the topic title was vague but inadvertently, perhaps, point to the OP as a troll, but then OP complains about PWI being a troll. It seems kinda misleading cuz I thought the OP was a troll. Oh wait....
Thats right, its all about WHAT you do to multiply your wealth.
Personally, it's not worth doing bh lunar when I weigh in all those factors like the difficulty of recruiting a squad, 500k fee, difficulty in selling lunar realistically, more often than not, you'd probably earn about 398k after deducting the 500k fee.
that's sum serious late bloomin going on eh? Totally telling your wife.
Serious undercutting eh? You must've been moving high volumes everyday, and luck was on your side too. You didn't sell random pigment? Just hot colors packs and opening them? I got 3x black pigments that I can't move, FML
You made 247mil profit from working on the pigment sales?? That's an insane margin, I don't know how you did it but personally for me that market is waaaay too slow and never really been great business, but big grats to you though. You're get there soon ;)
Not sure if they did but I really don't trust them with the way they run things around here, rather be safe than sorry, ain't gonna wait for them to **** me over.
Nope token $ will stay up as packs at 50% are not price friendly with the gold prices, hardly anyone will buy packs, that's my guess.
I strongly believe that the last two weeks were the best periods to buy cheap gold, it's uphill from here as other sales will stack on with rep n chips sale in the coming weeks.
1.2mil is a distant dream, lucky you. And early grats on making into the billionaire club ;)
Depending on size n capital of ur competition, this week maybe slow as it's only about sellin rep n chips essentially.