Thanassis - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • FULL ACK. It will take weeks for the economy to recover from this.
  • Well, I do not know how organized they were here today. But I have spoken to people who were involved in such exploits and it's purely amazing how fast they were. I wouldn't be surprised if someone had 10 billions or more stashed aside on some "unrelated" account before most people learned there is an exploit at all. Well,…
  • From more than 8 years playing MMORPGs I fear I have to disagree here. The people who abuse such exploits are usually fairly well organized and know the risks and how to make it hard/impossible to trace back what they did/where the profit ended up. Fictional scenario: A to B: Hey, I just noticed you can sell ITEM_X to NPC…
  • You can quote the "noob is not the same as newb" as much as you want, that doesn't turn it into ultimate truth. Most people I know don't care about how you spell it, the meaning is independent of the spelling. If you put meaning into the spelling and then are offended (but wouldnt be if spelled different), then that is…
  • First: I am sorry you seem to run into mainly "elitist" people in online games. In my roughly 10 years of online gaming I have often been called noob, I often called people noobs and most of the time it was just the most accurate description available and in no way meant to be an insult. Second: Noobs/Newbies/LowLVLs…