Lol just wanted to point out if a car came out of nowhere and strucked you before you could use that rock then from your point of view I assume you would consider that horrible luck but on their point of view God prevented you from striking them. This is all subjective so neither side will ever win at this argument. :)
That doesn't even make sense. Because it didn't work for you it is garbage? That is like saying you tried to start a business and it failed so for someone else to try and start one is a garbage idea...
A little off topic but Saitada who is that in your sig?
I said I was for it so that hardly qualifies as shoving it down your throat. For those who aren't **** and supports this it is because they believe in equality. There is both sides to this and both sides have their crazies who wants to force it onto others but most would rather agree or disagree and mind their own…
I'm for the same sex marriages cause honestly only the immature and those who feel they need to shove their religion down others throats will actually care. I don't think the argument of protecting the children holds much water to be honest. I'm willing to bet most of them see plenty of it when they're not being supervised…
Aw D: Well ty all for the clearing it up for me. :D
Or PvP lots for them? ;3
I do but on the official notes it mentions dropping Chi Stones so... Maybe it is gear level/type dependent? I would guess vendor items will turn into Chi Stones so this can't be exploited. Sure you can sell Chi Stones but I would imagine it would be a poor time consuming method of gold farming. Of course this is merely an…
I'm a new player so I am sure that other players can give you a much better answer but from what I gather they increase most if not all the stats of the weapons making them stronger. Dragon Orbs I think are the items that makes the refinement 100%. Not sure which levels but as you go into the high refinement levels (by…
I could be wrong but I am almost 100% certain wings are only for the elves. If she want wings for herself she will need to level an Archer or a Cleric. Actually she could just make a level 1 Elf and viola she has wings... just can't use them on the Veno.
As someone who is leveling her genie to be the same level as me I don't think so. You need to prioritize your skills. Check class guides on these forums as they're usually well made for what skills are must haves. Of course I would recommend getting your needed skills first over leveling the genie so this way you can quest…