Notice the dead person in the 1st picture :D
lol, This is what happens when a level 31 faces a level 99. Normal TehFoxeh moon pose (level 31) Am I awesome? (Sorry for big pictures
Does your ERR Meow? Look in the 2nd pic, it';s supossed to be a kitteh :3
My friend from school told me about it, I though it sounded cool, so I joined!
Lol, I bet you dropped many good items... Should of had a angel or put stuff in the bank if it wasn't full. (It probably was...)
I think it sounds really awesome!
I've never tryed it on PWI, but I do know it's safe. Sadly though, if you don't pay for it, you only can take videos 30 secs at a time
I thought I saw 81 on the person recording.
4/5 The eyes are a bit... freaky. This pic is kind of big --->
Sometimes I get alot of lag, but not all the time. I like the cat shops and it should not be removed. It's a great way to sell and buy stuff that you cant get normal stores.
There should be a "Create" Button the the left side...But maybe if the resolution is off a bit, the button would be hidden
I really like that idea, It should be added someday
There are no level 105's in PWI right now, though. If there is, then the Level Rankings here are broke
My Veno, TehKitteh on Lost City is a Melee Venomancer, but she's level 9 and has light armor at the moment
Oh lawlb:laugh
I think it's used to make high level equipment, but idk, I'm only lev 25
Ok, My friend told me C is to take a pic, is that true?
Who did it, because if I know who hosted it, I'll know if I've seen it... I think I have, from looking at the background