Teekeeus - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Lol thats life in general dude, good things happen, you meet friends have ood things going and then reality hits and things change. Online world is no different from the real on and cannnot escape the simple fact that nothing stays the same forever. People grow, change, live and die as do their accounts on MMORPGs. The…
  • He was dying, actually dying…Was the only thing he could think, as his eyes grew heavier and his breath came slower. Surprisingly he was not afraid or in pain, he’d suffered so much blood lose that the shock had made him numb and he barely noticed Grim moving him as he clung to consciousness. There was a blur and he could…
  • ooc: I dunno I personaly think battles build team dinamics and fleshes out a character's strengths and weakness.... thats just me though. its a cell not a jail cell btw XD more a chamber guess that'd be a better word... if you dun have time to read maybe put forth a little effort and read Grips posts is her rp after all ^_~
  • OOC: ahhh didn't read the other posts did ya? lol theres no bars amongst other minor details you missed. maybe read back a few posts and get aquainted with th story neh? ^_~
  • Yeah pretty much >>
  • OOC: Sorry for long post... x_x catchin up
  • Teekeeus had silently slipped out during the commotion and into the hall, it was dark and full of more unfriendliness than he cared to see. However with his stealth cloak, they couldn’t make him out in the darkness and were more preoccupied with the others for time. Carefully he made his way down the hall, hugging close to…
  • OOC: back, holy **** anyone wanna give me the short verson of what happend? ^ ^;
  • OOC: ooo kkk ... o.0
  • Teekeeus hoped down and leaned against the wall as they talked tactics. Personally he felt the best course for action was to simply escape and avoid the battle all together. But that would involved abandoning the others. He considered it a moment before he heard the plan of tracking down the weapons, which could turn the…
  • OOC: actually our post worked out fine together so its all good ^_^
  • Teekeeus’ eyes flashed open, as if he had only just closed them moments before. “Grim you look particularly horrible this morning…here this helps me” Teekeeus said tossing him the half-full flask of bamboo wine. He gave a fake yawn and stood but ignored the food as he took up his perch above the door and laid a hand on the…
  • I'll call this one so we dont get out of order >>
  • Lol he just likes to give me Sht lol
  • He looked at the flask as it was handed back nearly empty and frowned a bit before shrugging it off and relaxing back against wall. He had brought enough for a 3 day trip, so one flask wasn’t that big a deal, he just hoped they got out of there before the Wine ran out. He truly believed that they would get out, without a…
  • Dropping the Shadow illusion Teekeeus hopped down from his hiding spot, and stretched cracking his back with a relieved “Ahhhh…” as he stretched and relaxed his tense muscles from hours of sitting in hiding. He gave a chuckle “Fish is for dinner? Well I hope that doesn’t include me” He joked as he took half a fish for…
  • Teekeeus had slipped off from the group some time ago to search for ambush position. He’d found it on a small over hang just above the door. The shelf of broken rock was just large enough for him to kneel on while he waited for his victims to come through the door below. The only downfall of this neat little trick was he…
  • Teekeeus smirked as he leaned forward towards his knees. “I bet you’d love to see that huh Grim?” He jeered. The tideborn gave up his mocking as the one beside him spoke. Turning his head just enough so the red eyes could see her expressionless face. “Yeah it’s just Grip…” He paused mid sentences and lifted his gaze to the…
  • OOC: I agreed, guess that makes it my turn then neh? Teekeeus shrugged, Leth had a good point, the only one, which seemed to know anything about what had happened was Grip, and she was trying to break free at the moment. Sighing he turned and paced the room. “Well if the options are waste all our energy trying to escape or…
  • Yeah I get it lol Its just I've had that backfire and someone never posts... for like days and forgets they are in the rp and then while everyone else is waiting they too lose intrest. an hour is a bit short, how about we wait 24 hours instead? that should be plenty of time.
  • yeah ok so... 1. Grip 2. TK 3. Es 4. Grim 5. Leth ....etc you have to wait for the person before you to post before you can post, and if you don't post for more than an hour you get skipped? and lost your spot and have to wait for the last person to post befor you can post?
  • OOC: A posting order? yeah only bad thing about that is, One person can really hold it up... How about you must wait two posts before posting again?
  • “Hey, no one lives forever Grim, I’m just sayin, if we are gonna die might as well have some fun.” He joked before Leth spoke up. “Right, I kinda figured that out…but why try to get out at all? They gotta open that door some time, and when they do, we rush them with everything we got right?”
  • OOC: Hey Es, join the fun ^_~ IC: Teekeeus looked back from the door he had his blade firmly jammed into at this point. “Oh yeah, nothing but gum drops and Ice-cream…” He answered then gave grunt as he pushed down on the hilt of the Dagger in attempts to dislodge the lock from the inside. “uhn…Grrrraaahhh” He growled with…
  • Teekeeus turned watching Grip as she tried to beat down the walls and rolled his eyes, before looking back at the door. He slid one of his daggers out from his belt and began trying to break the lock with the blade. “You don’t think they planned on you trying that Grip?” He murmured. The walls must have been covered in…
  • Teekeeus stared down into her eyes as she tried to explain. His face held no more expression than a **** puppy. He quirked a brow and folded his arms over his chest. “Wraiths really? I swear Grip if this is a trick you should give it up now; I’m not buying it. I think I would have noticed some thing like that happening…”…
  • A low groan echoes from the far side of the room, as Teekeeus pushes himself to sit up. The yell still ringing in his ears and through his head causing it to ache. A single azure hand ran through his long silky dark hair, trying to alleviate some of the pain within his skull. “Can you knock it off?” He murmured still…
  • Thank you Grip, I'm sure the pleasure will be mine. Anyway do you play by posting order or Am I free to jump in whenever?
  • 160! I'm freshmeat just joined the game a few days ago. ^_~
  • I'll jump in on this... Name: Teekeeus Age: 21 Personality: Teekeeus is young and rash, and loves women off all shapes and sizes. While he often comes off as a “Perv” his advances never go beyond ill-mannered jokes and suggestive actions. He is rarely serious and always cocky or overly arrogant of his abilities. Most of…