Your all a bunch of hoes. IMO Your both pricks and ur fighting over who the biggest prick is. Even if you win, you loose, its like fighting on the inter.... Wow u guys are baddies.b:shutup
All Big factions need to disband and we can start over. Then we can have like a server rule of no SafeList, and see what happens.b:victory
Warlordb:shockedb:shocked Who else thinks Kylin and KD need to pull a CQ and Disband?
I got to 70 w/o CS, and i was a wizard. In Lost City. :P and HL
no it isn'tb:chuckleb:chuckleb:laugh
This is for your benefit. Ignore are your own peril. I can almost 100% guarantee ur gonna regret it endgame if you get that far. As for the narrowmindedness, maybe your just narrowminded thinking that everyone who doesn't let anyone disagree with them is narrowminded. *bltch slap* Edit: as for worrying about low health and…
lets all stop lvling at lvl 60 and have massive all out no holds barred PvP battles all day long.b:victory Edit: and we can gank any high levels that try to join in. Fun times to be had by all.
Soooo many jokes, soo little time.
Plz refrain from Broliferation.
[Insert link to 1000+ CQ QQ threads]
the answer is simple, none of the big guilds (KD, Crim, Kylin?) attack QQme's land. Even the lvl 2. that way that area of the map can be left to lower level guilds to fight over, and if they feel strong enough, they can then attack the bigger guilds. But the big guilds shouldn't attack back. Voila, free lowbie TW for…
I like this idea, and if manage to fight and kill your way through the gate keepers, you can reenter the fight, BUT u MUST be <90 to be allowed to reenter this way.
I think RQ will be wiped off the map by the other land owning guilds and Integrity. BLT will hold off for..oh idk....1 more TW before they get ownt be CQ, and then disband a few weeks later. GZ will indeed go for blt.b:victory
Thats not RQing. Thats called being a dumba$$. RQing would be if Ascii quit after he booted everyone from QQme.
I predict they allow bids from other versions of pw, and u can bid as many times as you want. Warlord ends up bidding every territory on every server and takes over all the maps in every version of pw, until some chinese guild bids all of Warlord and owns them, thus making every version of PW the exact same color interms…
ROFL. +10b:laugh sounds like what all the newbs were spewing in the first month of LC.
what about Anti
the Nix and running away = bad, has GOT to stop. Its just plain r.tarded. Its how ur ment to play the class, just like u wouldn't expect a wizard to sit there and let a bm kill him while he tries to cast a stun. Running and fighting has nothing to do with bieng a coward, because by taht logic, BM's and Barb's are the only…
Who Was It??!?!?!?!?
I can haz?b:sad
So i shall make one up now...... Scumtralacent
or u could just 1shot the cata pullers and ignore everything else. Maybe 1 shot some more lvl 10's just for the fun of it.
I would /wrist.