Tannzie - Sanctuary Arc User


  • NNW Please he needs love dont say like that he is the "Leader" so respect him please >< b:chuckle
  • do what ever you want, if the best minds of pwi didnt get it then you cant :P
  • which part of *i am still a nef member, and that i am still in nef.* which part you don't understand. Anyways i don't think i have any RL friends in Nef or in that case on this game lols. Well if you know who i am why don't you send me a mail ingame ? to my main that is :)
  • i so wish you knew me, would make you special right ? thats how it is. You love to learn stuff about people and use it in public. Well Johnny if fern,Mei, Asterelle and Aya could find who i am then well you really dont have a chance trust me on it. And as to knowing when i joined, its wayy before you even started playing…
  • As i have asked before, best is to make who is tannzie Thread ? anyways, kiddo i was in nef even before you set foot on pwi, i would also say i literally saw you grow infront of me, Icedrakes wasn't it ? Arryah is an old acquaintance of mine. Anyways why would i prove to you ? i mean if you had followed my post from the…
  • So johny wants to say that in TW everyone runs for him and no1 else ? that he is hated so much that everyone forgets to focus on anything else other than him ? Rofl, and i thought TW standards have risen up a bit but if people are targeting individual targets rather than respective classes then well *cough* good to see the…
  • You really think that ? most of them were never vouched, Cimeja had over 90% devouches still inside nef, Makeda was put on the applicants list for 1 day and she was inside (Devalis) and after few people like these came in, then the process of recruiting noobs started of in nef. That's an undenying fact. Well Decptistar,…
  • i only disclose my identity to those whom i want to, if i don't want you to know who I am, then you wont ever know it. I could rather suggest a who-is-Tannzie thread ? Anyways, you all speak about beating nef how many of you would actually make the sacrifice needed for it ? anyone up for it ?
  • hmm first a fact then a question ... there is only one person who is capable enough to control a faction, lead a faction and most importantly WIN the battles and war Against nefarious, but then again on having asked the person to do so the reply was, "I am here to play, to relax, NOT to take responsibilities. I had…
  • WoW, another lets-stop-nef thread, yeah these have been coming along sinsce over a year now, people keep whining about nef, and why the other people on the server ain't doing anything about it. Well the thing is, people were happy when regicide took first land off Nef, it was a major set back on nefarious too, but then…
  • @ risen Yes we are rich, we really are, no matter what the pay is, out expenses are not that high, being a BM you do loose a bit of charms, but the coinage you get, is more than enough to get your charms and stuff. Now why i say our expense is low, cause, we don't use enough coins to refine something to + 5, where as…
  • The thing is Nef has an upper hand, they got more lands, people interested in pvp as in TW and as well earn money will come to us. BUT it doesn't mean that the rest of the factions or the rest of the server sucks, the only thing which sucks, and this might also be the reason for nefarious success, that is people got an…
  • the jury would say one thing, you shouldn't be coming here and trolling, your too cute to be crushed by the other ones.
  • Read English ? Guess not, let me get it more simpler for you, trolling is accepted we don't hate it, what i meant is troll on a particular loose comment, but don't get personal ingame vendetta on the forums, don't insult anyone here on a personal level, or use lewd remarks, what Sammy was doing is targetting one person and…
  • Omg, i regret that the forums had to see this person posting. Your talking about juju? Well accepted, you came in looking upto people like juju, and Yng but then again what did you learn ? Your stories as a cleric are really famous. Of what you think and what not, you really gotta learn a lot about the game and the char…
  • b:victoryb:victory
  • Sorry for late reply, was taking care of battlefront thread. Well first off, i didn't say you were QQng, i said this thread, is dedicated to Nefarious QQ. And i also put my err 10cents in what you were chatting about. Let me make it clear again, accepted that a lot of people dont want to TW, cause its a 5 mins well not 5…
  • WoW, your hate for herne is really awesome, and no you didn't think or write all this in 5 minutes. Well you know, your real bad troll. Trolls don't target particular person and keep banging them. Normally trolls look for any loose comment and bang on that comment not the person personally. As to what your post proved, its…
  • OH my, A QQ thread just for us love it. Well been reading a few of the previous posts, which basically states that we, Nefarious, should stop attacking other factions or lands, and let other people take some lands or rather take the rest of the map. Well one question why should me ? Your just being pessimistic out here.…
  • The thing is, i wasnt there, dont know who is right or wrong BUT something is there, cause else Keeley wouldnt have come post on the forums, she has ben trying to justify Outlaw here, all through out. More over dont have to tell me what i need to do, as a matter of fact, am doing my job perfectly fine. But sadly looking at…
  • Do i have to answer noobs like Keeley, and VLK ? i mean seriously, ya'll should get your base firm first and then come QQ here.
  • Am tired gonna sleep, its like 8 for me here good night all, keep the QQ up. Don't disappoint me when i wake up.
  • Ask that, reveal my identity, and get kicked nice try again, but no ty
  • hope that made sense i guess ?
  • Well wasn't Heavenfire the one who was so proud of the fact, that sinangel was teaching him how to do a TW "strategy" ? Wasn't sin the mentor of Heavenfire. anyways, seems like a lot has changed in nef and amongst its people. Well the revolutions is up, the time has come for a change. Go for it people, have the best of it…
  • Am aware of the top people list out there, am aware of who you are, am aware of a ton of more stuff you are not aware of. For once my question still remains, why was Milyen given the nominations for being leader in the first place, with his shaky back ground ? 2nd Milyen choose his Director, according to nef rules some of…
  • No, Voting threads were closed by Milyen the moment he became lead, If the thread was open i think BeastLeO would have been director other than HF, If u agreed to the votes i mean, and its no point saving Milyen's misdeeds on the forums here, you hate him yourself don't you, i won't give evidence, first cause it would…
  • OMG you noob, am honored, with such huge and massive love you show for me, the feelings intense, the love is mutual and both ways. You know prior to you, many of ya noobs came by, to push me a bit too hard, and compel me to do a mistake, but well, am not a fool, state my name and my identity, get kicked from nef for…
  • yeah this is a nef officer, and present strategist what ya'll find here is ? a sense of stupidity and arrogance mixed together, well again nothing unusual ? Well Krout, mate you suck, at everything, Xoria might have been there on the skype call with milyen and Makeda, but she fckng had the balls to accept this, and as to…
  • Okies enough of it, you bloody hell of a player. First this sort of behaviour and outburst isnt accepted from nef director and officer, you fellas, you both at your own char tight. i seen it many a times, an HF, stop talking sht out here, what are you ? do you have any respect for your people or your friends, i know you…