PeqPeq in forum b:byeb:bye
Yesh.....When you can't see any flowers in hell, that's because i'm digging them b:surrenderb:surrender
Please delete this thread b:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle
I prolly can be the leader of that guild?b:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrender
If you are in cq, you will know how happy we are to get so many attacks, honestly i'm bored too....To have a real war to test our ability and strength is what i'm looking for, see you there (if you are one of them)
If you are soooo unhappy and sad and moody, i recommend you to quit the game b:chuckleb:pleased End of misery
BLOODSLUT is the CHAMPION!b:victoryb:victory
Chaottic = cq member X= one of the alphabetb:surrender Agentzero= never heard of him
b:chuckle OMG....%&(%^()^*%$...i agree with Pandora
Well, if any guild get 1....or maybe 2 ( if they are as pro as CQ) level 1 land>>> THEY ARE HACKING...!! If anyone get a warsoul helm>>> THEY ARE HACKING...!! If u have too many HH runs like Midnight>>> YOU ARE HACKING...!! Oww...just...admit that you all envy those people that have what you don't have. b:chuckle * guild…
what a boring titleb:chuckle * guild teleporting to ACH westb:victory*
Hehe old is he?b:chuckle * getting popcorn waiting to watch this **** embarrass himself again*b:pleased