Taneth - Sanctuary Arc User


  • i couldn't agree more about the spelling issues, with what saitada posted i do typos all the time, but i think ppl actually understand me better when i do, guess i must seem more human , "ahh ya gotta love pidgoen english" could be whole new adaptable form of english, heh, ...
  • ok, i agree oyabunneko, and other simiar type threads in this, and while this may sound like another winge, i do understand that using rl cash for in game purposes, keeps the game relative free from monthly costs so to spk but at the same time the way i see it, greed, has been given a huge growth spurt, all in all it just…
  • sry stuffed that post up, meant to add this is what i believe instead of the other - (
  • this is what i believe as well. First started to expect that when they booted a few friends now and then from their list with stupid excuses. omg how the heck did they think ppl were going to ever reach a target ......
  • also i 'd like to add, just veno's can have fighting pets, all classes can have non combats, as pre mentioned, but u still have to buy food and feed a non combat just like u do if u have a mounts, they still need feeding, choices is urs if u dont mind a just for looks pet that does nothing, takes up space, still have to…
  • i used to use pw data base, but got frustrated with it, but now i use rob soft, which i think is better, but try it pout and see if u like it or not, heres the link. http://pw.rob-soft.com/m1in.php and it=f that doesnt work with teh little end bit, just try with .com
  • sorry to be a pain in the ..., thanks for replies, did'nt thing it was right somehow, thank u for that
  • with the attack post, i meant can they attack a blue name player using the pet only ? i jsut want to be sure b4 i go back and say , not right infoor on a pvp server can veno's use a pet only to attack blue name players ?
  • could someone plz tell whats what with either post, if im wrong or not all up on the info, or what they know about it plz thank u \
  • yes, i tend to agree with pwhand moron speech, but spending rl cash in game is a choice , not an option ifu dont want then dont, , jsut others go a little over board and sink way to much in the hope of getting something actually good, which they dont for all their trouble, to imop the % of of getting something good, was…
  • i agree with a lot of this thread, about how succy halloween event was and upon reading and hear how bad lucked some ppl were with ga's, n boxes , im glad i never went as far and spen rl cash just for the event, only part i liked was the free costume which was lv 30 btw on a low level, was sellable for 3000 the lot, which…