The "devil" is a 59 skill which lasts 40 seconds, I'm guessing its 2 sparks, and: Bane come Savior coming: call to help you to combat fantasy savior, the savior of your friends can add or share shield damage. Energy use sly lessons this pet, you can add your own shield absorbing 4000 damage and restore the fallen flowers…
1. What server were you playing on when you received the quiz? Arch 2. What time was the earliest occurrence of your character getting this quiz? around 6:30am US Central Time 3. How often are you getting it? When I go grinding, then every time I log back in until I get the question on 4. How long is it banning you for…
This is getting annoying, -_- I can't do anything without getting banned lol, and I try it, but I seem to not be counting them right, maybe I should take a little more time to make sure I'm right :/