Wow!! b:shocked For that kind of XP I'll go see if I can solo it!!b:cute Very Nice Video! b:victory
I believe the timer does stop. When I Do Crazy Stone on My alts and log off, lets say 2 minutes in to the quest, at the time i log back, the timer continues where I left off.b:cute
Your purple quest is Your FB Quest. You get this quests mostly every X9 level. (19, 29,39...) These Are Dungeon Quests where You get to fight a boss. b:shocked
It works now!! b:thanks (Next time I'll Leave KunKun Alone... Might break the server again)b:shutup
This is just sad... Some poor player will fall for this. Today, there was three players saying they got scammed. I Know... They should have checked before clicking BUY. But should this be happening? should scammers, or players trying to scam be punished? b:shocked By The Way, this player was advertising "Token Of Best Luck"
This. You can decompose your current genie, You will get about an 118-120K Exp Cube. That won't get your next genie up to lv 40, but it will be a good start!! b:cute b:victory
That is true... The Max RPH I can get is 30-40.
Yes, Indeed!
.No , it won't. It will just set a limit to the price. If Gold is selling for 190k, players won't buy from NPC, they will buy from AH and keep the whole system going as it was before. Its just a price limiter. b:cute
I think a Gold Selling NPC would control the Gold prices. The developer would set the price at X00k (lets say 200k) and that sets a price limit and takes care of the high gold prices. While You can still trade Gold at competitive price at Auction House. Just an idea... b:surrender