Taliwia - Sanctuary Arc User


  • i think i know how you feel. i tried finding a rare pet before and people keep swooping in and killing it.well, it wasn't rare but it took FOREVER for it to pop up again. i know how u feel sister. just keep on campin !!!!!! good luck. maybe you should make a deal with them. like maybe, if u win a duel, they'll leave the…
  • ok. it' me taliwia aka jessminder. ok? umm i have a character named Repossesed and i would like u to make a sig for me please. i would like it to have the name and under it, i want it to say "i'm dead. ha ha." i would like the background to have a picture that is appropiate and relevant with the name please. i lve the sigs…
  • my sig is beautiful the garden is just like i imagined. beautiful.just beautiful. you should let some art company sponser you.b:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleased
  • hello hello hello. im still jessminder but i just changed the person for now... i just wanted a sig for this character too so... idea buzz! Background: Colorful roses,daisy..etc garden Words:Taliwia(under it) goddess of love and pop quizzes(under that) if you come meet me, ill add you as a friend, give ya a XOXOXO and give…