Taiyed - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Honestly, whats the point of having an event like that when the majority of your player base that actually puts money into the game is at work?
  • Since you brought it here, I'll bring this here too. You took the guy at face value without verifying anything at all and have no screenshots to prove your previous claims or any claims in the thread. Do you respond to those emails from Nigeria asking you to help their currently disposed Princess with a bank account filled…
  • Again, no one in the screen shot you posted is in Legion. Currently standing at the S auctioneer in Arch if you wanna verify my guild tag, but yeah... You took that guy for face value without even verifying he was an officer, or actually from Legion at all for that matter.
  • No one you talked to in that screenshot has anything to do with Legion. Did you post the wrong one maybe?
  • Hell you wouldn't even need to go that far. Wont go into details, but college networks and bind can be a bad thing. Regardless, anything that requires us to put in our account details should be https minimum, but if the cert you have on the charge portal is an older one you better hope someone doesn't have access to a…
  • and yet logging into the website with your account info is done through http and not https. The only way to get a valid certificate is if you click on charge up at the top...
  • I would say the veno is more a combination of warlock and enchanter. The pets are as strong as a warlocks, however you can assist with the nukes and heal while in combat like an enchanter. If you have the hercules pet focus pulling is a very viable way to level, and you can do it solo. Unlike daoc though, you dont have to…