Now Now Pedro.... Behave yourself.
I'm sorry, but I was talking about the time that we decided to split you up, which if I remember correctly, we've successfully defended Radiance ever since. So I don't know where you're getting your facts from. -giggles- but I'm only human, I could be wrong.
I think you're mad, yeah, you must be. Enrage was very strict on accepting Tao members when they fell apart. We didn't let in very much. We had let in a few, but that was still when Tao had lots of land, and people just simply didn't want to be there because of a few differences within the guild. Which they have turned…
LMAO... I'm sorry this is delayed but I just saw this now.. You DO realize that every single guard will one shot you right? hahahahaha... I just woke up but, this made my day.
Clearly there is just too many people that have held grudges against one another in this game. But hell, if QB was in the guild, I wouldn't want to combine with them either. b:chuckle
+1 Enrage has worked hard week after week. We have slaved with roster after roster each weekend. You think all that is easy work? I laugh at you people that say rcr doesn't deserve leadership. He had lead handed to him at one of the most difficult times, and look where he has lead us to.... We deserve to have what we do…
Sounds like you still have your hate "on". Enrage is constantly talked down to, and we were more-so about 5 months ago when people were saying "Oh Enrage you think you're so awesome, Tao or Rad will take over the map." Well, look at us now. I find it amusing how everyone tries to make it seem like they're oh so innocent,…
Ooo it sounds like someone has something for homework.. lol
I think my IQ just dropped..
What the hell is up with everyone trying to say we're all cowards and are the ONLY ONES that gank people. HELL YEAH we gank people, I'm not going to deny it. But we all get gank'd by you guys too, so please, continue... don't let me stop you; get your QQ on. b:dirty
That ALMOST made sense.
Wow nothing like talking to yourself on the forums.... LOL
- Please stop me while I'm ahead.. I'm turning into sgt... TROLLINNNN'
Thank you, that was so insightful.
/inb4youwaste100k... oh wait.b:chuckle
Lol, I'm sorry I had to b:heartb:heartb:heart
Lmao wtf, bish just got slapped. b:chuckle
LOL, poor freakin' cat... Sgt can rely on his cat to TW for him. But he walks away from his character in the PK Tourney for his smokes... and... well.... b:cute
I thought this was necessary since most if it came true. This used to be posted on the old Enrage forums over 7 months ago.
Keep Dreaming :P
go to bed!!!b:cute
Finally someone replies to all the QQ posts. Thank you.
Ew bills, what are those again?
YOU don't even read what YOUR members post... Oh, wait. They're not posting to back you up in any way, shape or form. That's how you know when your members respect you. I have read every single post in this thread. Just because someone hasn't been specific enough for you, doesn't mean that all of a sudden she's saying…
LOL he's friends with wizardtitan.... that's where he's getting his "tw ****" info from... thank goodness.... It all makes sense now. Please do tell me how we "****". I'm pretty damn sure if we were doing some serious hacking, most of Enrage would be banned by now. The developers would be all over this if they were…
Yeah okay, lets go with "no pic no proof" Cause I'm pretty sure our guild makes fun of you on a daily basis. Especially on the weekends after our TW's are over. Oh and ladies and gentlemen lets not forget Mono tried to make Marin look like a dumb ***, and then he goes and says "How can I have issues then... it's your…
Okay guys.... enough with the personal attacks already..... oh wait... wrong forum... ..continue on... <3 Anne lol Edit: Awww I'm sorry, You're still my #2 Hero.....
lmao!!! my new hero.
Sgt, stop trolling the forums and go get 101 already. Btw, 5 more posts and you're not allowed to post anymore. 1337 ftw. b:cute