Ok at lvl 73 will i be able to solo dimentora on solo mode with a crystaline? o_o
just solo mode which bosses could i beat in solo mode?
I just go on my lvl 20 assasin and use my bow to kill them.
Um go to the zoologist, buy the skill you want, then learn skills. Thats what i did
its probably a guy irl b:shocked
when im level 30, this better happen lol.
my glacial walker is lvl 63 i will compare when it is 71, with the magmite.
Ok, how much is lifepowder on dreamweaver?
sorry not trying to say go for crystaline, i prefer glacial
lmfao, I cant complain about veno's no more
ok I was just told sins become better at 30+, thanks for your help though :)
lol i have 15 vit not much wasted.
alright level 20-30 is going to be painful lol
so as u get more dex you will dodge way more, am i right?
We, what a name :o on-topic: crystaline magmite if u want more physical def. Glacial walker has a little less physical defense but way more magical defense. I prefer glacial walker
really? This is the biggest pain for me in this game lol. What you guys are saying better be true b:shocked btw morty u use pure dex?
im guessing psychic's can kill monsters before they reach you? And you are as squishy as assassins. So..... Psychic > Assassin
The lower the level your pet starts at, the better it is.
Well i do 4 dex 1 str Monsters are doing about 80 dmg to me and i have like 700+ hp, thats really bad. And i barely dodge, which dex is also for (agility).
as an assasin we should have high evasion so we barely get hit
im actually using pure dex as well. It kills pretty fast, but monsters do serious damage sometimes.
Pure Dex Build Hybrid Build Vitality Build Out of these 3, which would be the cheapest, as in spending money on pots
when do u get the tideborn armor b:shocked
Thats where u do the quest everyone does. There are lots of people there, it can get really laggy b:shocked
ok ill try tommorow thanks
surprisingly it doesnt happen to me. I have a **** laptop
um if u log out will be start at entrance?
how do u get to room 4?
I like it as the hellduke better :P
what did u do to level it so fast??