Taiji - Lost City Arc User


  • I have played the Chinese version of this game, and it rocks! In terms of graphics I think it is better than PWI. Also, the pet system is very unique and the quest guide system is better than the Quest helper add on for WOW. So when you are doing quests there is no confusion on what to do next. I can't wait for this game…
  • To answer your question, yes and no? I have been playing the game casually for couple of weeks, and so far I didn't have to spend any money. Everything you can buy from the cash shop you can obtain through in-game currency. I have about 6 million coins right now which is roughly worth $60.... So if you know what to…
  • Um....the old mounts were always 9 and you could upgrade it to 10.... The Boa is 10 from the get go. Don't spread false rumors.