Taeiro - Harshlands Arc User


  • STILL NOTHING AFTER SO MANY DAYS..... b:angry b:angry b:angry Why not keep your current players HAPPY instead of creating more games... some of them were really EXTREMELY POOR like your JADE DYNASTY...b:angryb:angry
  • b:shockedb:sadb:angry I sitll do not receive my dragon orb. i sent several request but i was simply referred to a USELESS link. I can not understand if why PWI service has deteriorated significantly for the past 5 months. I noticed several new games. But you are GIVING LOUSY SERVICES to your LOYAL players in PWI. I am…
  • i was killed twice by a much highere level guys. they also stole my important stuff in my inventory. I know its not fail especially if I was on non-combatant (non-PVP) mode. Is it possible to dis-allow stealing on a non-combatant mode. If I was in a combatant mode then I would go for stealing as a form of penalty for not…