TTforMeh - Sanctuary Arc User


  • aww herne i thought we were friends b:cute and why from an alt and why such dumbness?? bc most of all the stuff written by alts are dumb or useless or a bunch of ****.. wow you guys are easily side tracked b:chuckle im honored that you all take so much time to humor me so.. b:pleased quite honestly most of what i have…
  • HatedSoul never had such good grammer =op and if you think i sound as stupid as him well then you totally know just how i feel about half the spineless alts on here
  • In fact im not a Nefarian haha its just plain as the nose on ur face Herne.. Oh wait let me not use abbr. bc i dont want you to know who i am haha actually i could care less who knows me.. I am using this noob alt bc using alts to express your opinions is stupid.. As far as im concerned anything said by a faceless nameless…
  • Ok so i might as well be a noob with a reply bc i see there r many of them on this thread.. 1. this is suppose to be a damn battlefront report not a damn QQ session.. tho i see much of that.. 2. Tannzie ur a moron.. u go on and on about how bad ppl r and how smart u r.. well then why the f**k rnt u a damn leader urself? u…