TRISKELION - Morai Arc User


  • better play C&C generals online
  • As what I said for our amusement we spent dollars, if the amusement is not available then find another, why need to rage or something similar, If am lucky to connect is much same as disappointed every time i disconnect, Internet Service Provider (ISP) it will be solve before monday afternoon as u said, i bet to disagree on…
  • 17 hours ago since i receive this post in my facebook, 17 hours still nothing happen, 17 hours same DC problem we have in MORAI, now 17 hours should i have a rights now to be pissed off, do the PWI staff and management really have the concern to there players or the PWI staff and management just want the dollars that we…
  • Thanks GM.. hope u give us update from time to time... we really need ur help now... we are all in trouble... thanks b:pleased