HAHAHAHAHA i bet you like shopping during sales time then :P
Hmmm hard one, since all skils are for attacking ppl and im not one to hurt others realy, and for the buffs and healing skills i dont see much practical use in RL, cept for purify, would be nice to cure realy sick ppl in just 2 seconds. So if i could choose one it would be Purify, yet if i must be selfish i would say True…
well, putting my kid too bed (middaysleep) and then ill be on my veno, see ya all
almost done, gonna take a look arround soon
well, you'll have to wait a while before you can play then, its huge
well, you can always sell your mount for a good price
think lots of players will sell there old mount now, so they should be a little cheaper then normal.
well, it is huge, but it doesnt go that slow for me. got a good pc, no lags in game either
still about 60% more to go *moan*
think the date is for forum join
hmmm, just found out the date under the avatar is for that char only, cause i joined somewhere in july 2009 not september
look under your portret lol
lol, looks like a storm run