No no no, we need to delete everyone's rank 9 gear to bring balance back to the game b:dirty
Star Trek Replicators sound pretty overpowered, what with them being able to make almost anything. If not gold, at least unlimited Herb Yuanxiao and Crab Meat Jiaozi?
The whole thread is a free money making tip. Advertise a free bh lunar run. You pay the fee and you get the Essence of Defense at the end, then you sell it for as high as you can. The only catshop in west arch I can find with them is selling them for 8 mil each. A lot of people complained about the Lunar fee in the past,…
How about adding a 1 million coin entrance fee? It should help cut into the profits of those who bring a lot of alts, and help keep out people who aren't serious about doing Nation Wars.
Read this:
On Sanctuary right now, in the auction house there are these pet skills for sale Strong Protect Bless Claw Boo-Boo (pounce skill) Consume Devour 11-19 hours left on each. And 38,000,000 coins per skill b:shocked
Yeah 2x dq is working for me too. *is happy with my event gold* XD
The contest is closed now, rewards have been sent out and thank you everyone who participated! :D truekossy, can you pm me your character names on Sanctuary? I wanna give you your stuff asap XD.
Docpetiot, how many coins and spirit would it cost to max all of a seekers skills to level 10? You sound like you would find you real fast :3. @ Nevetira. It was pink, but that prize has already been claimed. *Feels guilty for not having another set* All the other stuff is still there, though :3
I was planning on giving out rewards tomorrow. So SylenThunder and Nevetira can spam my mailbox about what prizes they want? I kinda doubt I'll get a lot of posts calculating skill costs by noon tomorrow XD. (Or post what reward you wanted on the forums or pm me on the forums? Whatever works. :x)
So far I like SylenThunder's entry the most, followed by Nevetira's. b:victory Thank you so much for your posts! It might be simple addition, but you won't believe how easy it is to mess up somewhere along the way while calculating it D:. I thought more people would post. Its an easy chance at free stuff :P And I'm sorry…
How would killing a rare pet be against the terms of service? What about taming a venos pet after she did all the hard work and got there first?
What this person said. b:laugh
If dudes could hold dudes, then chicks will be able to hold chicks, and if you're a normal straight man, you'd support the 2nd one right? o3o Awesome idea, but china is scared of the concept so it wont happen I guess. ;_; Plus, if a dude tries to hold you ingame, you can say. "Sorry brah, not into that" Or cuss him out, as…
2x drops would be very exciting for low level people trying to make money in this game. And also be exciting for the people farming the new molds in Warsong and Lunar. I fully support this! :D 4x drops would be even better, 4 molds per boss = everyone in the party will be happy :D.
Anybody have any idea when the Aurora Agent will return? b:dirty Everyone on my server absolutely loved the Aurora Agent and can't wait for her return b:kiss
To be honest, I can't wait for the next rep sale. I know pwi already had like.... 5-10 rep sales this year alone but, some of my friends really want their rank 8/rank 9 :O C'mon and have a rep sale this month? We wanna give you our money b:dirty
I'm not trying to be mean, but if you feel cheated at the fact there is a caster only nirvana, why don't you go roll a lvl 100 wizard, psyhic, cleric, mystic or veno? Having a lvl 100 caster class with maxed skills, TT90 or TT99 armor, and a good TT99 gold weapon with decent refines should cost far less than a 4.0 aps sin…
This topic is still relevant today so I'm bumping it :3
Forgive me if this idea has already been stated before but. Some possible fixes are to remove the dragoon boss from fcc altogether. Make the dragoons level 1 and give only one xp somehow. Or make it so that dragoons are immune to physical or magical damage (like the bosses in the City of Abominations event) In a normal…
Rawr, I'm gonna make a sin, spend $100 making her 5 aps and rank 8, then we'll see who feels like a nub >:3