I dread this update.
Sirius still around?
Yeah... game changed by a lot :(
This^ is why I play another game now lolz
Idk, Id buy them for 100-300k if I where lv 54 and HA b:pleased
If you still have that Warsong belt, ill buy it. PM me ingame or write me a Ingame mail :D
Typical 1v1 with a sin (From wizard view) : -Start -Wait (Sin is prolly sparking, buffing up in Stealth...) -Wait more -I get stunned, Sin pops up , I use Absoulte Domain , Resist all damage for 3,8 Seconds. -3,8 Seconds later : Sin Seals + Freezes -I Spam Blink, oops , wait, cant, Im sealed x.x -Sin hits me to death If I…
WUT!!! b:laugh
I want a flying beer bottle b:laugh
Thanks for ruining a game I loved. c ya all
Eh, i still need to see a lvl 90ish cleric one shot this PVE CAREBEAR wiz b:laugh only 2.7k pdef (selfbuffed) atm (still working on that) and 4k HP (unbuffed) and I'm full int (so using robes) b:chuckle
My ingame name is Swoosh and my mailbox will be more than happy to receive those haha, no really I are poor xD. And yeh herc does that, but I just recently have one on my veno so it's all new and exciting for now =D xx
again.. LOL!!!
I love this post so epic xD to stay semi-on topic. please nerf every class except wiz xD
If i wantz to be greedy, then I shall be greedy >_< gimme your items plox X'D Well just that one GM didn't really follow the event... but they have apologized for it, all good and well... but really *greed mode*... gimme your stuff now...
I want more stuff wind :( gimme more stuff :( moooore moooooooooooore MOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE xD Anyways, ok thanx for the apology ^^ I was really like wtf O_O (just like everyone else I suppose). Hope I don't need to stay wake up untill midnight GMT for just one chance to get such an item haha xD.
Funny chest gave 100 PWI regard to friends of mine. Not really worth it in my eyes anyway xO xxx
Lol, I think it will balance out anyway. Either way rollback was in my eyes the best choice. But well even if they did, there will always be those who will whine that they shouldn't have and just traced ALL the money (not just partially like they did now). All sides have their arguments and it's imo just personal. Whatever…
Verified by Swoosh xD worked for me! :D Kudos to you! <3
xO I only know one who is lvl 81, and neeever joined a faction except outlaw recently and he's tired of it already xD IMO i cannot judge really xD
Now let's all hug eachother, and everything will be alright b:chuckle No really going off topic, and chances are that the thread will be closed anyway, there are many more factions who apply such tactics *coughdreaming* and nothing has been done to it. ^^
^ O_O that's euh
wait wait... LOL
There are no words needed for CR, your post proves it graphically haha xD. And i did NOT urinate O_O, although i was very scared at times :o And for ShockWave... LOL
Haha ClericRanger is such a ****. I still remember him showing me his awesome powers. A so-called 20k dmg on a mob (we were going to kill Mantavip). He found himself so epic and took the challenge of seeing who will get the kill (for their team). Even with me giving him a headstart (not intentionally I was just talking to…
what are you talking about, I solo fb19-29 (never tried the others but I'll probably fail because I'm cheap haha) xD
I'm soooo sure that I died more than you guys >_< LOL i are tah nublet xD
well it was getting to dramatic lmao, ppl need to lighten up a bit xD
Haha try a 3-hour tw, it's fun but really tiring xD. You get to kill people for three hour straight with no penalty :O. And about LOL and WTF my current guess it was to test out something and no, it wasn't me. Just heard alot of things and come to think of it, I think this was a test hehe.
Then attack them omg attack, >_< then more than 40 will at least show up and you guys can have fun to :o