talking about exp room
ummm 60?? what? 60 mils? 60 gold? hu?
L O L at cleric having problems with a wizard..... clerics 1 shot wizards just as easelly as wizards do it to clerics
LOL that had to be the WORST replie ever. Venos are one of the EASYEST classes, great for money farming if u get a reasoneble pet Clerics melee worthless lol what? dosnt matter ranged or melee rly, melee makes it EASYER then u can KITE Archers and arrows... lol i bet every archer rruns out of them every second battle u can…
real game and paper are 2 diffrent things. What u get on calculaoor looks always way better then actual game
ou and now the screen freezes all the time i know the game still is running, becasue if i click on the frozen screen i can still hear my footseps and can hear skill sounds if i use them, but the screen is frozen.
the hell with this marshal banning chat and kicking. what this game needs is the REMOVAL of only 4 marshals and 12 executors PLUS it needs MORE ranks these just arent enough maybe 2 more between marshal and executor. And just MAKE more prvlages like mentioned chat banning
what about clerics? i heard they can deal TONS of damage why arent they listen in any of the 1vs1 or group pvp. I mean i never really win any fights vs clercis with ym wiz, they just 30 sec sleep me, and put a tempest and it is over
i have the latest updates and i do also have McAffee Dont the things u suggest COST? Like i have to buy them And now the game even actually Freezes like complittely, have to shut it down and relaunch
yea well i have every right to tell people to kindly **** then. When i dont care about their blablabla. Expessaly when it is MY topic
both of her respones were complitelly useless, why post if u dont have anything usefull to say? to get your post count higher? No it is pointless
jesus ****** chirst i downloaded IObit's Advanced System Care as u suggested, it found close to 20k problems. and i GOT this compter 1 month ago BRAND NEW! and now the FPS did go up a bit 10-15 but for my laptop i still consider it VERY LOW! i tryed to max out distance for a sec and that made FPS go to 3! now thats just…
1. no 2. My virtual memory and CPU dont even go over half, heck my CPU is always 5%-20% used 3. 4. no idea how to 5. CPU IS NOT the problem, it never goes over 5-20% with PWI, i could open like skyrim, assassins creed revelations and batman arkham city all at MAX graphics. Skyrim, ACR, and Batman Arkham city would ALL WORK…
i've never done actually pvp, aside from fighting a cleric a few times and getting 1 shot. And i havent seen other pvp too And how exactly was i rude, the person i replied just gave me **** that isnt needed! NOTHING that would have helped me with my question!
Not running anything alse, that takes much memory my CPU is always around 5-20% used! So how am i suppose to fix this?
good responce, no idea what she is talking about, never talked about her post!
How exactly i am trolling, she posting inrelevant info that i dont need or care about. Of all the post there is one that gave me what i needed!
i am asking end game, and why are u even here nobody cares about your blablabla your 89 why dont u know blablabla. I am asking because i dont, i dont need your blablalba i need the answer!
89 is nothing it isnt end game and i dont rly knoow anything about seeker and mystic
wait what, u honestly say that Wiz and Archers are a blanced class? for wiz Our lvl 100 skills are just about useless... and lets be honest , we have A LOT of useless skills. We have sum really good skills but i woulnt call our class balanced, just cuz after u get top class gear , MASSIVE experiance and skill in pvp and…
Frostblade is just as useless