OMG Vratix. -___-
1) What web browser are you using? What version? Firefox 3.6.3 2) What plugins and ad blockers are you using for your web browser? Adblock Plus 1.3.10 and other normal ones (Adobe Acrobat, DivX Web Player, Facebook Plugin, Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U24, Mozilla Default Plug-in, NVIDIA 3D Vision, Pando Web Plugin, Quicktime…
b:chuckle b:laugh
Then just cop out and PK with a sin if you want it that easy, because it really is that easy.
I agree with the poster above me. Level your sin up first so he becomes your farmer to gear up your cleric/wiz. If you're wondering which of the three to roll with as "endgame" though, I'd say go with the wizard. They make great cata-killers and their AOEs are like nuclear bombs. Sins are boring in TW (or so I've heard)…
Uh wooow, I missed a lot, and I honestly think everyone on this thread is overreacting to Futurelord being a cleric that is able to PK. Although my cleric is stuck on a PvE server, TW is still something I enjoy partaking event in, and that includes PKing in it. CLERIC KILLING IN TW? BLASPHEMY! Seriously, wtf is wrong with…
Aren't we all?
East/West Coast servers will be taken down at 1:00am server time (11/5/2011) for one hour. I wish they would get the dates right. -___-
To say that a cleric will never DD during TW, lol... You must be base buffer.
Have genie skills ready, have apoth ready, have chi up, use magic attack charms, use physical defense charms, equip a rune, equip an HP and MP charm (important for plume shell tanking), have crab meat (and actually use it, don't forget it's there), try to get as many buffs as you can, and of course, have GOOD GEAR. In this…
Keep the sin to farm, but make the psychic your main for end-game content (TW). Nobody really cares about sins in PK/TW, whether they're R9 or not, because it takes about 0 talent to play the class. However, if you spruce up your psychic, give it good gear and learn to play it really well, people will care... and you will…
Would everyone quit quoting it, CHRIST!
The dyes you get from DQ are marked "untradeable" and the dyes you bought from other players are obviously "tradeable". Therefore, these two dyes, although under the same name, cannot be stacked together. There is only 1 slot available to put dyes in when random dyeing fashion, and that's where the problem arises; you put…
Sometimes you gotta help defend your base full of catas. Other times since the cata squads don't receive support all the time, I will be wrestling with a BM or psychic or whatever toon it is while the barbs go further down the lane to reach the towers. As long as they don't have r9 armor, then yes I will be killing them…
As a demon cleric, my demon thunderball (yes, it's level 11) does more damage than demon plume shot, granted that it does take a longer time to channel. I use it in succession in PvE after demon wield thunder which gives a debuff on the mob automatically of 30% less metal resistance, which means my thunderball now does…
Thunderball is a pretty underrated skill, ijs. I, myself, use it all the time, PvE and PvP.
As a general rule of thumb, people should never tell clerics to "heal/ress" and barbs to "tank/get aggro". What if we started telling DDs to "DD"? Sounds ridiculous right? I mean, what else are they going to do? What else CAN they do? If you ever tell a cleric to "heal me" or "ress," you sound like a dumb ***.
At least bolster Nirvana gear and stop messing with Rank gear, they don't need extra recast options, that was supposed to be a Nirvana thing. **, just keep shooting those of us who have Nirvana gear in the foot why don't you, it was a disaster already when r9 was released. b:angry
Pack sales, they never end never end never end never end never end never end never end never end
Bump. b:dirty
Well, too late to turn back now, might as well push through with my cleric as my main. b:surrender
As the biggest cashshopper on the entire Archosaur server, of course he would make this poll... b:chuckle
My squadmates & WC on my server say the exact same thing, but I have yet to receive this e-mail myself. b:infuriated
- u jelly?
I thought your signature was a horse for the longest time... O___o Anyway, yes, clerics bag on other clerics because most of them are female and girls can get pretty vicious... ooo so evil. b:shocked
Bump. b:shutup
Lol @ all the hate comments under the article... this whole publicity stunt just backfired ahahaha.
Packs! Packs! And more packs! b:avoid