TBH i found google checkout was the most reliable... even tho PayPal has a better rep, just try each of them but all work for me regardless
Get a Direct Debit card linked to ur savings account, it's used in the same way as a credit card except it's ur money. i live in australia too... b:surrender
Yeah... GMs need to filter shops & set price caps or something along those lines... with the amount of useless shops in lagasaur despite what your net speed is you're going to lagg & it's a pain when you're trynna find certain things to buy aswell.
Ok yeah true... u have a point, but think of all the stupid people that sell pointless overpriced **** for weeks - months on end that doesn't sell... it's just a pain in the **** that creates endless amounts of lagg.
I think it's good in a way that it's annoying to set up shop, there's already too many shops in west lagasaur, given the time it takes to set up shop might discourage people after continuous weeks of setting up shop = thus less shops from time to time.