I never said we had less, just that we didn't have enough to make heavy armor vs light/mage armor substantial. light armor was 4-5k, heavy was 6-8k. Then barbs were 12k+
well this is old. Time to reshape
this faction is starting to shape up quite nicely
this will be my final post on this thread, because I got what I wanted out of this. I QQ'd on purpose so that people who knew what they were talking about would rageanswer. Thank you severan and purged for your detailed explanations on how BMs can be useful. It still ticks me off that it takes lvl 90 for BMs to become…
power? I think you misread my topic. 4k HP goes fast when your enemy does 1k~2k damage. If they can't stun kill you, then you win, end of discussion, attack power is comical. The magic defense makes your physical defense 0, so that's more than a problem, especially against a cleric or archer, who have both magic and phys.…
no one seems to understand the problem. What good is it if you can be a mediocre tank or mediocre DD, or mediocre aoe grinder? Mediocre is still a failing grade. This class is dead before it even starts. I chose my name carefully and accurately.
impressive, BMs are useful for around 15 levels after leveling 70 times. Then they are right back where they are now, useless. I'm thinking it's time to change to a more useful class, one that actually has something to look forward to besides mediocrity.
versatile is a synonym to multi-purpose which then points to my spread out point. We do not excel in anything, we are just par. Par does not make them strong. ALSO, why use a wooden hammer when there's a steel one right next to it? BMs are only alternatives to the more powerful classes. As previously stated in my topic,…
MrsUrine I'll have to talk with our leader. She might have misinterpreted your name as another person we're trying to avoid. Long a boring story short, he was annoying and trying to scam other members. Arn, I'll do my best to get you in. May we both be on at the same time soon
we'd love to have you in our faction! Sadly I've been having connectivity problems and been ghost logged for the last few days. If you're still interested, we'd love to have you join us! Fun is an understatement for us. People are always chatting it up in the faction chat and bosses and FB's are plenty, as well as TT later…
back to the top where we belong
thank you as well for the bump
thank you for the bump!
Oh boy, I think I hear some Pink Floyd coming "All in all your just another brick in the wall"
REVERSE HUNTING TROPHIES Make an **** of yourself
smart thinking!
glad we could work this out =D
Aizen, this is the Guild Banter subforum, you're more than welcome to post your own thread about your faction and say whatever you want about it. However, you're not going to get a lot luck with anyone by advertising your HT server faction in a Sactuary server faction recruiting thread, you'll have better luck making your…
any other questions?
hope that clears some things up
ya, quests give armor and weapons out like it's candy. Click on the "Find Quest" button in the quest window. Don't worry about armor though, stick to the cheap stuff until later in high levels
and both have a very similar answer. Currently we have a large group of mid 50's in our faction, meaning that soon we will have a large group of 60's after a little bit of leveling. That group will then be capable of going into TT and run around and do whatever it is TT is about (I'm still a lower level so I guess I'll…
Yondaimez, feel free to ask any member mentioned above to get the invite. We'll love your company! by "soon to be" I mean currently we lack a strong enough member base to take on say Nefarious or Legendary unless we managed to sneak the territory in all the TW chaos. Right now we're trying to grow in numbers and levels and…
Good morning world.
yup, don't all crowd too much
just a heads up, the top right bar that shows the mini map and coordinates also has a little notifier for mail recieved. Pretty neat. Pity that it costs 500 to go around sending mail from person to person.
I'm thinking that some people are either admins and mods, other people signed up before they forced all lower cases, and I'm sure there's a way with modifying javascript that you could bypass the forced lower case. In any way that matters to you, it's impossible/not allowed.