Suchda - Sanctuary Arc User


  • singapore.
  • As a Chinese who grew up in an English medium society, I have to say it can get difficult. My parents are upset that I can't manage my mother tongue well. In fact in my country, students are allowed to use dictionaries when writing essays. Exposure is key. Maybe visit Chinatown? random suggestion Good luck!
  • Hi. Great guide you got here. So after my fb19 I got my trial scythe. The stats are: Physical Attack 110-239 Quicken Physical attack +10 Strength +5 Range 4.5m Rate: 1 att/s 2 Sockets at the same time I got my Supply Splash weapon: Physical attack 166-249 Physical attack +10 Hp+45 Range 3.5m Rate 0.83 att/s 1 Socket Im in…
  • Hi I'm glad to see the patriotism of fellow Singaporeans online. I'm quite new to the game, wonder if i could join. Thanks