And Fix MY DAMN Avatar in game please
b:laugh Well, in time it was in Lothranis, now in Morai, never been in momma, so i dunno how was the wether there, but, all in all, that was expectabele, dont know also why, but Europe servers are constantly crashing. and then, they puke some 2x and everyone be happy, i dont care about 2x, even since 2x started on servers,…
my sin was full R8 before he goes to vana. i have even the rep for R9 so ****
Horrible or not??? HORRIBLE OR NOT??? i spent millions to get my pants and daggers for what? for see now people getting this basicly free? This is horrible, there is no NOT in here... worse than a private server and i want to know how to fix my forum avatar
TY for ruin the game and btw, how do i get my forum avatar fixed?
my avatars work all except my main char avatar :(
hey Bob, forums never been down
dont work also
it dont give me a way to put avatr up, i tryed that already :(
ok, now i want my avatar back :( or a way to put him up again b:sad
READ... lul, how aggressive you are
b:thanks b:victory
b:victory Auto Patch is now working YEAYYYYYYYYYYYY
I Use a link if provided BY you
only US servers up, and auto patch is not working :(
the shard system is messing with the "Content New Zone: Realm of Reflection - Players may now enter this realm to gain Exp/Spirit automatically by expending Reflective Shards. - Reflective Shards may be obtained from various repeatable quests and instances, including but not limited to Cube of Fate, Bounty Hunter, Daily…
finally what?
im not raging... im reading, yeah, it looks like the same, but im reading and laughing
+1 b:laugh
CLEANING, not sex
you fixed the avatar? How?
I Pray for the shards dont like timer
bah, im gonna see how my brute is
Timer... LUL that will make this look like facebook games, "You have no more energy, buy some or ask your friends"
in that sentence then... A DVD is Software and a DVD Reader is Hardware b:shocked
We are the army now... more will join us... Death to all Avatars, except the blue ones, those are cute b:dirty
I did the same, and now i dont have a way to get an Avatar
why is pwi-ns????
I like dark ages... hmmmm, dark rooms... hm, rooms, rum... oh pirates
b:angryb:cryb:angry I Want My AVATAR back