Looks like we back up and running now 5:42am Eastern/1:42 Pacific(gametime)
Yeah its still down I cant wait to keep on rocking with my Seeker first time playing PW and only 3 days later Im level 30 8)
Nah they just went down/cant login about a hr ago. its 4am now so we talking like about 3am Eastern/11pm Pacific time.
Nah its not just you as you can see unless you know someone that is actaully online and in the game. If so tell us as if there is only a few of us who cant connect anymore we might need to put in a support ticket... BTW dont knock the bing deal, its free Zen game money and you dont have to provide any kind of info just…
Nothing but wait.... its not just you its probally alot if not everyone...
Looks like the 'Login/Authentication' servers are down as its failing before you even log into the server itself. Might wanna make a support ticket as yes the servers themselves are up but probally its failing when it goes to check your account/password as since there is multiple servers but most likely only 1 server that…