STICK PL0Xb:victory This is really useful b:shutup
Lol thats the most true Thing i have ever readb:surrender I think My LA will be just fine... I'm going to be getting gold soon so..yea..gona get some Shards..and Sockets...make some ok gear..i'm not spending all my $$ on armor..Gotta get a wep..b:thanks Thanks all b:cute
Yea I think i''m going to stay LA for awile until..idk..4x or 5x..what do you think?
like I said before I hate quests ad would much rather grind...
I guess..May I ask you where you write your guides and where they are posted?
Thats alot of good reasons..but plume shield only lasts 20 secs..and what if i'm AoE grinding at say 30?
Well I Guess AA...can you gimme some more reasons for AA? PS:Join Becomes Active On Rising Tide Expansion
I would Love to play AA its just if I would AoE Grind Woudn't i be squishy? I read Both Stickied guides BTW
If I went LA I would add Hp Gems and refine my gear...
- no grinding til 29...
I see like..a monster that poisons? are there any that are 22-26?