Umm, a 3 hours defense is a defeat when a big fat "DEFEAT" pops up across Enrage's screen.b:bye Just had to throw that out there. And.. Damn you Apo. That is all.
lmfao I love you.
Lets be reasonable, at least 125k+ and we are GoldDigrz nevertheless so you know it wasn't us that spent the money. And I'm not really sure what you think Jules' job is.. 'cause if it's that heal thing as a cleric, well. No comment. wut? like... lol... I see that you came into the conversation there and not really have any…
LOL.... "superGM ain't nothin'"
I'm not going to tell you whether or not I know if Drakon is going to attack Enrage or not. Simply because Drakon can change their minds at any point, does Drakon even know what Drakon's doing? The point is that I find it amusing that you're obviously clueless to the reason that they have been surrounding 1k? Yes, clearly…
Yes, you guys were clearly even anywhere near the same category as GD, Enrage and Drakon. LOL and I have to bring this back up... Oh hey, I don't know, maybe since they've been nom noming on EvilTree land to surround 1k? But I guess that couldn't give it away..